
No Label 1st Street Ale



No Label 1st Street Ale

No Label Brewing Company


Blonde Ale

ABV: 5%

IBUs: 14

Packaging: Draft, 6 pack 12 ounce bottles


I don’t know about y’all, but Hurricane Harvey still has me feeling all kinds of whacky and uneasy. Even though the city has begun to pick up the pieces and rebuild the thousands of homes devoured by Harvey’s waters, I can’t seem to find my normal groove. My possessions ruined by flooding have fortunately already been replaced, but the memories of that horrendous week will likely never disappear.

I know, I know, beer reviews shouldn’t depress you, but even my drinking habits seem to have taken a downturn. I have not visited a brewery in weeks. I do not get excited about upcoming beer releases. The worst symptom of this Harvey-induced funk has me buying all my beer at the grocery store. Don’t get me wrong, from time to time H-E-B offers a nice selection, but Big Beer “Craft” has all but overtaken the shelves.

Lucky for me, I found one of the Houston area’s staple blonde ales, No Label 1st Street Ale, between rows of Karbach and Revolver! Keeping with the classics seemed like a good idea for the meantime.

While the light, low ABV nature of 1st Street Ale lends itself as the perfect summer beer, I will defiably and enjoyably sip this all year long (as if seasons actually existed in Southeast Texas anyways). No Label specifically dedicates 1st Street Ale to the city of Katy, Texas, because one of the major ingredients in the beer-rice- represents a major portion of the town’s agriculture.

1st Street Ale pours just like the style category suggests, a beautiful straw blonde tone with a moderate, off-white head. With only 5% ABV, light carbonation, and a light body, you can easily throw back a full six pack before the first quarter of your favorite football game finishes (Go Pats!).

Sweet, grainy, cereal-like scents are the strongest while light grassy, herbal tones wane in the background. Light grains and corn create a balanced but sweet taste. While I found the body to veer toward watery, the light hop bitterness in the aftertaste redeemed 1st Street Ale.

If you haven’t already, head west to Katy and check out the laid back set-up at No Label! Known for their family-friendly atmosphere, its the perfect excuse to get the kids and spouse out of the house (anyone else still feeling residual Harvey cabin fever?). You can also snag a six pack at most groceries stores in and around the city.

Cheers to hoping you are back to a normal-ish life, enjoying plenty of fine Houston brews like No Label 1st Street Ale!

  • My Overall Rating

No Label 1st Street Ale

Although I’ve found myself in a funk, No Label 1st Street Ale definitely lifted my spirits. Summer beer or not, I’d drink one any time of the year. What are you drinking in the aftermath of Harvey, and what are your go-to local staples?

Let us know by voting below or tell us about it in the comments! Beers to you, Houston!

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