01 Feb Saint Arnold Amber Ale by Tam
Amber Ale
Saint Arnold Brewing Company
Houston, TX
American Amber Ale
ABV: 6.2%
IBUs: 31
Packaging: Draft, 12oz. Cans/Bottles
*Photo credit – Saint Arnold Brewing Co.
Good ole reliable Saint Arnolds, it’s like a friend that you don’t see too often but when you do it’s like you pick up from where you left off. I grabbed this “old friend” while browsing aimlessly through the aisles of HEB, during my usual Sunday grocery day with the wife, when this little guy caught my eye. There wasn’t anything special about the way it was placed that got my attention, but Saint Arnold has been such a beacon of craft beer in Houston that it just stands out from the rest. Any true Houstonian could recognize and immediately identify the Saint Arnold emblem at any sporting event, concert and backyard BBQ; it’s a Houston thing. Needless to say, I was pretty content on getting a cold six for that evening and enjoying it during the Monday Night Football game.
Now I am a bottle man, not that I am prejudice against aluminum cans, they just give me trauma of my one horse town I grew up in. So imagine the joy in my face when I popped the cap of this brew and a flood of aromas were released. Hints of caramel with a quick punch of hops followed by a balance of citrus invaded my nose as well as the sizzle of carbonated beer filled my ears. The poor was a well balanced mix of copper and red with light head that followed.
Being a fan of Saint Arnold you can almost tell which beers are near twins of the other with a slight twist and if I had to choose its closest relative I would say it would be Saint Arnold Art Car IPA. The beer itself was delicious and created an introduction of hoppiness in every sip, but not so over whelming that you would feel the need to savor it. Amber ale is a light body beer that could honestly be enjoyable on any day, season or occasion. Which makes this beer, in which I mentioned earlier, like an old friend in which it is memorable but not an everyday need.
The design is of the memorable Patron Saint of Beers, his backdrop the skyline of Houston with wheat reeds adorning his image. It sits upon a pale yellow backdrop that shows its simplicity in their product. It is something that most have grown to love Saint Arnold for in its no flash, no gimmicks but just good enjoyable beer attitude.
I for one will always be a fan and as long as I can I will enjoy the welcoming atmosphere of the brewery as well as their daily lunches and friendly staff. My only regret would be that if I were to move to any of the other 46 states that does not hold Saint Arnolds (currently distributing in Colorado, Louisiana, Florida and Texas) that I could not venture to my local convenient store to pick up a case and reminisce with my “friend.”
So does Amber Ale give you that Houston feeling or does it fall flat and tasteless to your tongue? Is it your longtime friend or that awkward social media acquaintance that floods our news feeds? Let us know what you’re thinking Houston, write your thoughts below!
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