09 Jul 10 Things You Missed at the City Acre Anniversary
10 Things You Missed at the City Acre Anniversary
This past Saturday was the 3rd Annual City Acre Anniversary Party. The company opened in 2016 by founders Matt and Meredith who purchased the property in 2009 down in northeast Houston.

City regulations slowed the official opening, but we are so grateful that it eventually came to fruition.
Tucked away in a full-blown garden oasis, the City Acre Brewing has created its niche in the community. The intimate feel, coupled with home-grown ingredients and an expansive food selection, sets City Acre apart from its competitors and has earned them some pretty impressive accolades.
Upon my first steps onto the grounds, I’m always pleased. I’m immediately immersed in the sights and aromas of botanical refuge filled with fruit, herbs, and flowers. City Acre is the type of place that engages all the senses every time.
The 3rd Annual City Acre Anniversary Party was legit and well-deserved for everything that this brewery has contributed to our city. They really outdid themselves. If you couldn’t make it, here are 10 things that you missed:
1. An incredible turnout
Parking lots were full, lines were moving, and kegs were flowing as the party ran non-stop all afternoon. We got to meet and chat with so many great people and the love they shared for City Acre was apparent. It was great to see everyone out supporting this inventive brewery.
2. Top-notch customer service
City Acre’s team worked tirelessly to take personal care of each and every customer. They offered two beer and two food lines to keep things quick for everyone. The owners went through the lines handing out menus, so everyone got a preview of the offerings. The 3rd City Acre Anniversary was indeed a top-shelf experience.
3. The unexpected weather
Early on, it was hot and HUMID. Well, it’s Houston, right? Halfway through the event (while in line for beer of course), a mini monsoon rammed through northeast Houston, drenching the grounds but not the atmosphere. As guests rushed inside, the party continued as we waited out the brief storm. After that, a significant drop in temperature cooled off the event and added to the relaxed atmosphere.
4. Tour of the grounds
Owner Matt Schlabach gave us an incredible tour of the facility, including their private event house and extensive agricultural investment. Did you know they host at least 12 weddings a year in their house along with beer dinners that include a private chef? Be sure to follow their social media so you can grab a ticket.
5. An expansive tap list
It’s a brewery after all. It was expanded, comprehensive, and persuasive. Mainstays or specialty beers, there was plenty to choose from. They covered so many styles too. Everything I was lucky enough to try was delicious, especially in my new anniversary glass. While Hitchcock Blonde is an all-time fav, P-Ride, Serious Trubz, and the Key Lime Pale Ale were a few of mine and Josh’s favorites for the day.
6. Fruit trees in full bloom
Meyer lemons, blackberries, limes, and peaches were just some of the natural goodness we got to see on the grounds and during the tour. City Acre grows everything themselves, then picks, peels, and dices all of their ingredients for their beers. Even their hamburger meat is ground by hand. Talk about impressive.
7. Beer and food pairing that rivals any restaurant in town
City Acre’s aim has always been to make tasty beers that go well with food. We all know that their food is top-notch. But when you find the right match with a beer, your dining experience goes to 11. Imperial blueberry pancake cinnamon maple powdered sugar stouts are awesome, but they don’t really work with anything but desserts. I found several stunning pairings.
8. OMG The Crowlers
Honestly, I had no idea that City Acre was selling crowlers (and a ton of them!) Priced to please, you can take home your favorite beers and even share with your friends. Bottles are also available if you’re feeling fancy.
9. Brewing creativity
Pilsners with red wine, witbiers with pears, pale ales with peaches, and even a coconut Russian Imperial Stout. The unique and innovative assortment offered something for everyone. I was super impressed in the level of creativity that City Acre demonstrated, especially using all home-grown ingredients. We got to learn just how much labor, and love, are put into every keg that the team creates.
10. Seating everywhere
It had been a while since I’ve been out to the brewery and we usually stay inside because I’m a wimp with the Houston heat. Thanks to the cool air ushered in by the rains earlier in the day, we thoroughly explored the grounds and were blown away by all of the available seating. Covered or uncovered, patrons this past weekend were all comfy as they settled in, conversed, and enjoyed some of the delicious beers on tap.
Saturday was an absolute blast. It was a real pleasure to have attended. Getting to meet Matt and learn their story helped me to develop a deeper appreciation for City Acre Brewing. I have always enjoyed the passion and imagination put into everything that they do, but the City Acre Anniversary opened my eyes to how much they can pack into a menu.
It’s no wonder they have had a very successful 3 years, and I’m pumped to see what the future holds for these guys.

Brent is originally from Ohio but has been in Houston for over 10 years. As an Aggie, musician, animal advocate, and Lego collector, he always has something going on. If you have an imperial stout, come find him. He’ll want to add it to his insatiable beer spreadsheet.
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