12 Apr 11 Below 7 Iron by Tam
11 Below 7 Iron
11Below Brewing Co.
Houston (Bourgeois Rd)
Blonde Session
ABV: 4.5%
IBUs: 13
Packaging: Draft, 12oz. cans
Yeah, 11 Below 7 Iron, I know – give me a minute though.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, or don’t watch/read/listen to sports media outlets, last week was a momentous day in football (actually it’s really not but you wouldn’t be able to tell by all the freaking coverage).
A hated rival, not only for Houston but the entire National Football League, lost their most senior quarterback. It was believed for a short amount of time that he would make his way to our beloved city. I’m personally glad that Uncle Tony, which I will refer to him as for the duration of this review, did not hobble his glass bones down I-45 bringing his non-playoff-winning style to “Clutch City.”
(You’re probably wondering what this has to do with craft beer or a review about craft beer. Well if you wait a moment I’ll explain the correlation between the two.)
Graced upon my cover is the finely designed 11 Below 7 Iron, by those quirky beer Demi-Gods at 11 Below Brewing. Quirky might not be the best word, but I’m sticking with it. Read more about them here.
11 Below 7 Iron isn’t new to the scene, and in fact it just had its 2 year anniversary. 7 Iron is what I like to refer as a “foundation beer” for the company. What makes it stand out from the rest of 11Belows line up, is its suggestion for what 7 Iron should be consumed at; Golf duh.
Which brings me back to my first paragraph about Uncle Tony and how he now has all the time he needs to work on his back swing; because that’s the only “back” he can depend on. See what I did there?
11 Below 7 Iron pours clear blonde with a finger of head that lasts for around a minute before reducing to a fine thin lace. This lace compliments the fruity and tropical aroma’s that are silent until you are ready to quench your thirst.
The taste has a smooth mouthfeel, crisp grassy notes, and topped with a mild bitterness. 7 Iron is great to share with new drinkers in the craft world because they won’t be turned off by the slight kick of hops.
As I mentioned before this is a foundation beer, that was created to be paired with a stick and ball game of Scotland, so it makes sense that the ABV (Alcohol By Volume) and IBU (International Bitterness Units) are low and rightfully so, since you only get one “Mulligan” per game; if you’re into cheating like that.
The label’s artwork is created with 11 Below’s signature style that uses colors to create the animation while using the aluminum can as its main backdrop. This one so happens to be a golf cart with lime green rimmed wheels and a bright white brand label that followers are all too familiar with. The words “Down For Another Round” is printed above the golf cart to remind you that the fun stops when you want it to stop; drink responsibly.
11 Below 7 Iron is a reliable and easy drinking Blonde Session that I could see Uncle Tony enjoying its smooth non-sacking season ending taste. I enjoyed it so much that it had me shouting “Fooooooooouuuuuurrrrr more please!”…and then I was asked to leave the indoor putt putt range…(sad panda).
Tell us what you think in the comments below and as always “Beers to you, Houston.” (GO TEXANS!)
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