11 May 11 Below Brewing Color Blind by Nick B
Color Blind
11 Below Brewing
ABV: 6.5%
IBUs: 55
Packaging: Draft, 12 oz cans
If you haven’t been paying attention to our friendly fun on Instagram regarding the Spurs vs Rockets playoff series, you probably missed two things: 1) Color Blind was pitted against a red IPA from San Antonio’s Ranger Creek, and 2) I am the only Spurs fan here at Beer Chronicle (GO SPURS GO!). I know… That’s not popular here in the Bayou City, but hey, at least I converted over to being a Texans fan? It’s been a bit of fun with the team taking jabs at our respective teams.
After I brought forward that little matchup, I felt a full review of Color Blind was warranted. It had been a while since I had this particular red IPA, but to be honest, the style really isn’t my thing so I don’t seek it out.
I have always loved the uniqueness of 11 Below’s can labels. They are simple; only utilizing 2 0r 3 colors on the aluminum gray can along with simple, block-type font. Color Blind features a red and black unicorn with a swirl pattern horn shooting out magic beams.
The aroma I got from Color Blind was all hops. Fruity and piney hops. The malt aromas in this light amber colored concoction were completely covered up so I expected to be hit with a hop beam when I took a hearty gulp…
I was totally wrong though. Color Blind was a medium bodied beer with a crisp mouthfeel. The hop flavors included citrus fruits and pine. The biscuity malts balanced this beer out so well and made for the perfect amount of bitterness on my palate. This is why Color Blind beat out Ranger Creek’s Red Headed Stranger. Hats off to 11 Below for that balance!
I’m giving Color Blind 3.5 stars for its great balance and for being a good representation of the style. I have a feeling that I wouldn’t like it quite as much if it was just an IPA, but for what it is, I dig it. It’s still not a beer I would consider a “go to” for me personally, but it’s a good alternative to any macro option. You can find it in six packs of cans and on draft all year round!
I am not sure if it was multiple Color Blinds or tonight’s game that had me feeling so good while I wrote this. Is it wrong for me to suggest this beer for you to drown your sorrows if you have them? Beers to you, Houston and GO SPURS GO!
P.S. Nothing but respect for the Rockets from me! Always a good series between the two teams!
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