01 Mar 11 Below Oso Bueno by Tam
Oso Bueno
11 Below
Houston, TX (Bourgeois Rd)
American Amber Ale
ABV: 5.3%
IBUs: 22
Packaging: Draft, 12oz. Cans
*Photo courtesy of the Houston Press
Hola mi amigos!
So when I decided to write about this next brew, it only felt right to grab some culturally connected snacks. Now 11 Below isn’t Hispanic based or nor does it beverages have a Hispanic affiliation, in fact the only reason why I picked up a Torta (Mexican sandwich) and a steaming container of Menudo (beef intestine soup) is because we live on the fault line of Mexico and we have the best freaking Hispanic cuisine in the entire country; yeah I’m talking mess California!
If you haven’t figured out the brew I am talking about, let me fill you in. This “Oh So Good” and “Oh So Delicious” concoction I am speaking so fondly of is Oso Bueno. One of our authors, Chris, wrote a review back in July and I have to say that great minds think alike; link to his article HERE. I too gave this craft a 4 star just because I don’t believe a 5 should be tossed all “willy nilly.” We here at Beer Chronicle take our non-paying, no benefit giving, thankless, and unrecognized duties seriously! (Please don’t fire me, this is my only outlet from the Hell of marriage)
Oso Bueno is an American Amber Ale, which has beautiful copper hue that is accompanied with streaks of orange that hints at its tangerine like notes. There is a fine line of head that will stay constant with the drinker, which enhances the frothy malt taste. The aroma itself produces caramel and pine scents that pairs well with its sweet beginnings and slightly bitter ends. I thoroughly enjoyed not one but two with my soup and sandwich and feel like the crew at 11 below nailed their goal of making this brew match the “cuisine of Texas.”
The can is simple in its artistic design by using the aluminum to make up 75% of the art work, such is their method of all their craft beers. The unofficial mascot of 11 Below “Oso the Beer Bear” graces the front of the can in full wrestling regalia and Lucha Libre mask. Splashes of orange accents the details of Oso and the 11 Below story of this beers creation.
I found this craft to be “Muy Bien!” and can gladly place this alongside my weekend gathering go to beers; then again my skin is mocha brown and my people derive from east Asia originally, so let us hope my American taste buds override my Vietnamese senses.
Did Oso, put you in a “Beer Nelson” and screaming for “Tio” (Uncle) or did you say “No Gracias” and go on about your vapid tasteless existence? Let us know in the comments below and as always “Beers to you, Houston!”
William C.
Posted at 07:40h, 05 MayThe Oso Bueno, in my opinion, is your quintessential amber ale. Prior to trying it, I’d always gloat about the Dammit Jim from New Republic Brewing as the best amber. Though 11 Below is still in their nascence, I undoubtedly confide they’ll expand their year-round offerings and continue to distribute superior beer.
Beer Chronicle
Posted at 17:42h, 09 MayDammit Jim’s good, and I don’t think any of us have had anything from NRB that wasn’t, but Oso Bueno is really the embodiment of the style as far as I’ve seen so far!