
8th Wonder IP8 by Tony



8th Wonder IP8

8th Wonder Brewery



ABV: 8.88%

IBUs: 88

Packaging: Draft, 6 pack 12 ounce cans



I don’t get out too much, so I’m always excited when a new can/bottle hits the shelves. Sometimes it’s something I’ve had while out and about, and other time’s it’s completely new to me. The latter is the case for 8th Wonder IP8, and I was really excited when Chris told me he had a few cans for me. (That guy’s alllright – I don’t care what y’all say about him.) I poured up a glass as I cooked tacos for my family, and I began taking notes.

The 8th Wonder IP8 can has the usual horizontal split of their cans where part features their logo and the other half features the actual art. The can’s dawned with purple and green with a bunch of hops and 8s, and the bottom 1/4 is pure aluminum.

A lot of people have something to say about 8th Wonder’s branding, “Their marketing is better than their beer,” but truth be told, they don’t do much marketing, as it were. Those haters are mistaking branding for marketing, and either way, they’re tripping. 8th Wonder has a handful of great beers and others that are meh, just like every other brewery in town. Can’t win them all, amiright?

Back to the beer at hand, IP8 poured a clear golden color, right on for a double IPA. There was 2 fingers of white fluffy head that melted down into a thin layer as I cooked my carne de pastor, and each sip left more and more creamy lace down the glass. It was more like a quilt than it was lace!

The nose of IP8 is overwhelmingly biscuity and bready with a mild Hop characteristic. Doubles are characteristically more malty, but this IP8’s a bit much.

The flavor of IP8 is just like the nose, where the malt backbone becomes more of a star than a supporting role. Stylistically, there’s a broad variation, but for my preference, I want the hops!

The flavor starts off almost like caramel, and that’s followed by a mild resinous Hop after taste. It’s fullbodied and almost creamy with a subtle carbonation.

I just gotta come out and say it. 8th Wonder IP8 feels like a malt bomb IPA. I’m tempted to compare it to Karbach’s Quintuple.

I didn’t love IP8 for the aforementioned reasons, but it’s all good. Dome Faux’m is still one of the better cream ales I’ve had, and it’s been welcomed with open arms by a handful of my big beer drinking friends, so don’t sleep on 8th Wonder just because I don’t love this IP8. Hopston’s also a pretty good IPA, as was reflected in our top 5 blind tasting.


It’s not bad, but it’s just not good, as far as I’m concerned. You can find it in cans at Spec’s, Total Wine, and at distributors call “Up” HEBs, those higher-scale locations with a good selection. You can also find it on tap at a few spots.

8th Wonder IP8 left me wanting a bit more as far as the hops are concerned. How about you? You think I’m just being a H8r, or did it leave you wanting more too? Let us know in the comments below. Thanks and Beers to you, Houston! 🍻

Anthony Gorrity

Anthony's a Houston native, a Creative Strategist at, an adjunct instructor of Visual Communication at Lone Star College, and a UH Coog that loves good beer almost as much as he does his city. Anthony lives to help others and that's found a home helping some of the coolest breweries on earth with creative and marketing projects that can be seen on our Portfolio page. Fueled by hoppy lagers, sessionable IPAs, and gangster rap, he's ticked his way through H-Town, rocking the most unusual Nikes he can find. When he's not writing for us, he's with his family or very patiently rooting for the Rockets.

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