Beer Reviews / 12.02.2017

It's a good beer. I enjoy it, and I can see myself recommending it to someone that enjoys Belgian wits. There's a difference between I like this, I don't like this, and I don't prefer this - I don't prefer Belgian beers over others, so sometimes I'm a bit reluctant to try them. Glad I tried White Noise, though. I'm gonna give White Noise a solid...

Beer Reviews / 30.01.2017

A couple buddies and I were going to watch the Astros play one afternoon, and we decided we'd meet up early for a beer at Home Plate Grill. We arrive, and the craft selection isn't too impressive. Mind you, this was almost 6 months ago, so their selection may have grown. I asked for a Hopadillo - it's all foamy, they're about to stop serving it, just like the Amber Ale beside it. SMH. "How about those Texas Beer Refinery handles," - I ask again, halfway shouting over...

Beer Reviews / 23.01.2017

Copperhead Striker IPA is the first beer I had from them. I remember seeing it on the shelf late this summer and being really excited to see a new, smaller brewery on the shelf! I swear I wrote about it, but I lost the write up somehow? I've bought it a few times since then because it's daaaaaang good, but as I...

Beer Reviews / 15.01.2017

Fast forward almost two years, and I'm in the garage trying to fix my wife's headlight. I knew I wanted a beer, and when I opened up my fridge, Art Car IPA smiled at me almost as to say, "You're fixing the car, dude. I'm the one." Bingo, Art Car IPA it is. Saint Arnold Art Car IPA smells of fruity hops, and the taste...

Beer Reviews / 11.01.2017

When it comes to Belgian beers, I either love them or I don't. The flavors are just too complex to leave room for any gray area. This Derrickman Dubbel is good, and it's even more special knowing that as I'm drinking it, it's gone. It was a good beer, and I rated it accordingly. What'd you think - Derrickman Dubbel leave you gushing?...

Beer Reviews / 08.01.2017

Last time I had Derailler, it was icy-cold outside, we were at Cycler's Brewing interviewing Clay, and we had it straight from the tank. It was cold and could've benefitted from warming up a bit, but with the temperature outside, that wasn't a luxury we could afford. Despite the cold temp, the beer was delicious. This time...

Beer Reviews / 02.01.2017

Pine Belt Pale Ale is a bit aggressive for the style, but I still really enjoyed it. It's a year round beer and suitably so as it's refreshing enough to stand up to the Houston heat that fills 10 months of our calendars. APAs are typically a bit more gentle than IPAs when it comes to IBUs, ABV, and hop flavor, but this one...

Beer Reviews / 30.12.2016

Fast forward a few days, and I just got home from SpindleTap's tap takeover at Hughies, and a friend of ours had a Brash You've Got Red on You while we were there. As he drank it, I asked what he thought, knowing I had a few waiting for me at home. He said he was disappointed. Call me weird, but a bad endorsement often intrigues me more than a good one because I wanna try whatever it is, and be able to say you're wrong! So I...