14 Sep B52 Blueberry Pie Berliner
B52 Blueberry Pie Berliner
B-52 Brewing Co.
Berliner Weisse
ABV: 5.6%
Packaging: 32 oz Crowler
I don’t know if y’all can tell by now, but I really like blueberries. In an effort to get me to be healthier, my wife showed me all these breakfast shake recipes with blueberries and I have to say, she knows the way to my heart. I was hitting the Lookin’ Good Barry (“LOOKIN GOOD, YOU HANDSOME MOTHA F***A!) release last weekend at B-52 Brewing and I just wanted one of each, the regular Barry and the tropical shake Barry, but I was met with, “Aww come on, our crowler holders are meant for 3! You gotta get another!”
So I walked over to their glorious fridge where they keep bottles to go… And there it was: B52 Blueberry Pie Berliner. Sounded like a dream for me so I completed my trifecta with a 320z crowler of the biz and headed home.
I cracked open the crowler of Blueberry Pie Berliner for a solo drinking session later that night. It had a dark red/mahogany color to it that was close to cranberry juice in nature. Bright white head dissipated quickly, but the beer remained effervescent and kept a ring of bubbles against the glass the whole time I was drinking it. There wasn’t a lot of blueberry in the aroma, and what was there seemed subdued behind raspberry and other aromas I couldn’t quite sort out.
B52 Blueberry Pie Berliner had a light mouthfeel and was tart with dryness up front. I found that interesting because beers typically finish dry instead of having that quality at the beginning. That dryness did give way to a “wet” finish with blueberry sweetness. I’m not sure why they called it Blueberry Pie, which makes me think that there should be a bigger malt flavor presence, but there wasn’t much of one at all. It was different from other berliners I’ve had in the past though, that’s for sure!
If you want to try B52 Blueberry Pie Berliner for yourself… Well, you’re going to have to head out to that lovely brewery in Conroe. You know, the one we named our MVB. It’s a brewery only release and I think it’s worth it.
B52 Blueberry Pie Berliner
I’m giving Blueberry Pie Berliner 3.5 stars because it’s a solid, interesting Berliner weisse, but the blueberry flavored wasn’t the main event. I could still drink this anytime or anywhere though!
Have you had a sighting of this nectar or do you love blueberries like I do? Let us know by voting below or tell us about it in the comments! Beers to you, Houston!
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