27 Mar Back Pew Evildoer Pale Ale
Back Pew Evildoer Pale Ale
Back Pew Brewing
Porter, TX
Pale Ale
ABV: 5.3%
IBUs: 45
Packaging: Draft, 6 pack 12 ounce cans
Even saints crossover sometimes. Nobody’s perfect. Let’s not even mention the Catholic Church.
A brite, steely can with red and black text contains Back Pew Evildoer Pale Ale until it makes its way into my glass. This one’s a limited run, so they didn’t go all out on the art, but they did use their blacktops with red tabs.
Back Pew Evildoer Pale Ale pours a slightly hazy, golden-Amber color with a bubbling-over-the-edges, super-airy head that’s tawny in color. I thought maybe the beer was aggressively carbonated because I didn’t aggropour, but I had to stop midway to let the head settle as I poured. The lace clings to the glass like a Saint to his rituals, and it looks almost like specks of soap bubbles when you’re washing some baked-on lasagna dish.
The smell of Back Pew Evildoer Pale Ale is reminiscent of he aforementioned bubbles with some slightly soapy, floral, citrus notes and a bit of biscuity malts as well.
That malt disappears initially as my first sip slides down. There’s a burst of crisp, refreshing bitter citrus flavor almost like an unripe orange, and that’s followed by a sharp carbonation and smooth bitter finish with a little bit of melon and grapefruit. It lingers like a good message in church on Sunday.
Back Pew Evildoer is medium bodied with a dry finish, and the carbonation is lively.
One of my favorite things about IPAs and Pale Ales is how different each one can be from the next. The style’s so wide and the possibilities so deep, that sometimes there’s nothing to compare it to. Back Pew Evildoer Pale Ale doesn’t have a good comparison.
You can find Back Pew Evildoer Pale Ale on tap at the brewery and in cans around town. I grabbed mine at Total Wine, which has come to be synonymous with stale beer, unfortunately.
Back Pew Evildoer Pale Ale
I forgot to snap a pic of the date on the can, but I remember clearly that it was a bit old. This is one of those beer’s that’s probably pretty dang good, but no matter how well brewed/packaged, sometimes freshness is paramount. I bought it on a gamble, hoping it’d stand the test of time on those Total Wine shelves, but that wasn’t the case.
Bobby and the Back Pew Brew crew have historically cranked out some pretty good beers with Satyr’s Swill being one of my favs and Blue Testament being another really good one, but Father Time got the best of ol’ Evildoer this time. TBH, it feels kinda crappy writing a review on an old beer and rating it sub-par, but that’s how the communion cookie crumbles. Back Pew continues to be one of my favorite breweries in Houston for approachable beer that’s brewed creatively and well-within all the guidelines, but Evildoer just didn’t do it for me this time. I hope to try it again fresh one day!
How about you? You have any Back Pew Evildoer Pale Ale and care to share your testimony? Let us know in the comments below, or rate it with a single click on the stars. Beers to you, Houston!
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