09 Aug Back Pew Saytr’s Swill by Tam
Saytr’s Swill
Back Pew Brewing Co.
Porter, TX
ABV: 7.2%
IBUs: 22
Packaging: Draft, 6 pack 12 ounce cans
What I have noticed in my time as an author and amateur beer reviewer is that no matter how good or bad the brew is, it must have an identity. Think about the first time you came across a craft can in your local grocer or favorite bar, and think back on what made you choose that beer. Could it have been the higher ABV’s or perhaps the flashy insignia that caught your eye? What I am saying is that I highly doubt you walked into some fine establishment and said “You know what? I want a light beer that will cost me three times the regular price of an Anheuser Busch!”
If you talk to Tony (Beer Chronicle Co-Founder and Author), he will tell you that identity is about 90% of the battle. You have to convince the consumer that you know what you’re doing! That your style stands out because of X, Y, and Z!
Identity, style, and flash are well checked when it comes to Back Pew Brewing. These guys have a mentality that basically proclaims “Here’s our beer. If you don’t like it, then move the (expletive) on.” This is where there two main genres come on; Saints and Sinners.
Today’s sinner is Saytr’s Swill, a German style Bock that conceals itself as a sweet light style beverage but Trojan Horses you as soon as you stand up. This baby is sneaky! (A beer that you can’t feel the effects until it is too late.) Saytr’s Swill pours a dark copper brown with a thick inch to two inch foam head that lasts the entire duration of the brew. Saytr’s has a sweet caramel beginning and even sweeter syrup finish. It’s a smooth refreshing brew that’s light and not overly filling like some brews but don’t underestimate it because this delicious concoction packs a high ABV that will catch up with you!
*Courtesy of Syfy’s “The Magicians” the character “Ember – A Saytr Demi-God”
Saytr’s Swill is packaged in the usual Back Pew Style; Black, White and Red. The only difference is the barrel with goat horns that pays homage to the classic mythological woodland creatures who were half human/half goat and known for rambunctious gatherings as well as mischievous personalities. Which makes sense since these creatures were later used to depict demonic and satanic entities centuries later in neo-gothic Christian illustrations; hence Back Pew’s Sinner and Saint craft selections.
I found this beer to pair well with a cigar since it’s sweet tastes would cleanse my palate per iteration of smoke and would allow me to re-experience the subtle tastes of fine rolled tobacco. I would say this brew is great on occasion but not as a regular just mainly due to the high ABV since my drinking sessions aren’t “drunking” sessions. Perhaps you think otherwise, let me know in the comments below and as always “Beers to you, Houston!” 🍻
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