31 Oct Blackwater Draw Brewing Co Contract Killer Porter
Contract Killer
Blackwater Draw Brewing Co.
College Station, TX
Coffee Porter
ABV: 6.4%
IBUs: 60
Packaging: Draft, 6 pack 12 ounce cans
I havn’t seen much of Blackwater Draw in Houston and I had never tried Contract Killer until a unexpected trip out of town thanks to Hurricane Harvey. Luckily enough for my family and I we took a weekend trip to Austin to get out of the path of Hurricane Harvey. We ended up staying out of town until Wednesday when it was finally clear enough to make the trip home. We cooked dinner for our friends who hosted us during this week long extended stay. while at HEB in Austin gathering ingredients for the dinner I had to check out the beer aisle. Long story short, I found Contract Killer and HAD to grab it.
The Can looks like an old school action movie poster you’d see hanging up in an AMC theater. Contract Killers can has phrases such as “Your taste buds will never see me coming” and “Deadly Delicious” Largely a brown can with red smeared over it. It also sports a city skyline outline in the back with man walking out the door. After checking out the website it looks as though the artwork has changed yo a man with a sniper rifle, but not 100% sure.
Contract Killer pours a very dark brown looking identical to a black cup of coffee. No head or lacing to speak of in the beer I poured.
Contract Killer is right on par with what you would expect with a coffee porter. Smells just like a cup of black coffee. nothing else really on the nose.
First sip of Contract Killer and you know exactly what you’re drinking. its full of dark chocolate and coffee. Surprisingly enough, its very smooth and easy drinking.
Blackwater Draw Brewing Co can be found all around College Station and Austin and on occasion around Houston. I found mine at an Austin area HEB.
Contract Killer
I thought Contract Killer was a solid brew! Have you had a chance to check out Blackwater Draw Brewing Co?
Let us know by voting below or tell us about it in the comments! Beers to you, Houston!
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