16 Nov Bombshell Blonde Ale, Southern Star Brewing Company by Tam
Bombshell Blonde Ale
Southern Star Brewing Company
Conroe, TX
American Blonde Ale
ABV: 5.25%
IBUs: 20
Packaging: Draft, 12oz. Cans
I’m just going to say it right out of the gate, I love Southern Star Brewing, and I love Bombshell Blonde beer. I was once a naïve man who thought Busch, Coors and Natty Light were all the beer cooler had to offer. (Part of this was due to my small-town, redneck homestead upbringing – I blame you good people of Angleton, TX.)
Anyways, I’m getting off topic. Southern Star was my first ever brewery experience when I dipped my toe into the craft wading pool. The place was exactly as you would’ve expected of a microbrewery; small, a few tanks spread out along the walls, some picnic tables on the tap room floor and that good ole southern hospitality. I fell in love. Hard!
I mentioned in my bio that I enjoy world travel. I lived for years abroad and had some amazing, truly once in a lifetime experiences, but what I always longed for when I returned back home was that sweet, delicious, refreshing nectar known as Bombshell Blonde beer. It’s light enough to be sessionable, but flavorful enough to feel special.
Every single time (and I mean every time) I pop the top of that 12oz aluminum can, the memories of my days in Germany come flooding back. The aroma of Bombshell Blonde is a crisp and clean bready smell. Each time I crack open a Bombshell Blonde beer, I’m reminded of wheat beers and festivals filled with taps flowing like honey. The Vienna malt gives Bombshell Blonde just enough of a tart taste that lingers in the background. It’s almost like a slice or a squirt or orange and lemon. The pour is perfection, with its thin layer of foam that lingers down the glass the entire duration of the beer. The color is a bold blonde, just dark enough for reflection but light enough that it’s not intimidating.
The artwork is of a robust blonde haired WWII era pin up dressed in cowgirl attire. She is straddling a large warhead that was used by the classic B-52 Bombers and seems appropriate because this is one bomb ass beer. Bombshell Blonde beer is non-filtered and non-pasteurized, hence the “Clarity is overrated” on the artwork, but mine poured a little more on the clear side.
Of course this brewery has grown much larger and has had a complete makeover from those concrete warehouse days, but the taste as well as the “Beer for Texans by Texans” mantra hasn’t changed. I’m personally proud that I was able to be a part of those beginnings. I’m even more proud that Southern Star’s distribution has reached 11 more states with the furthest being Alaska!
As you can tell, I’m not just a fan but a fanatic, of Bombshell Blonde and Southern Star Brewing, although we try and write without bias. So did Bombshell hit her mark for you or do we need another fly by? Let us know down below and as always, beers to you, Houston!
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