25 Jun Brash Abide by Hannah
Brash Abide
Brash Brewing
Imperial Stout
ABV: 10%
IBUs: 20
Packaging: Draft, 32 oz. Crowlers
Be brave, they said.
It’s a “big ass” beer, they said.
Side note: For those new to the craft beer scene, big ass beers have very high, over 10%, alcohol by volume (ABV).
So first, a shout out to my team for their epic vote of confidence in my beer consumption skillz. Little do they know, I like my beers like I like my men- strong, dark, and with hints of coffee…wait, what?
When I heard Brash was releasing a high ABV stout on the same night as Big Lebowski trivia, I knew I’d be there. This Dude…err, lady, totally abides!
Brash Abide White Russian Milk Stout (see what they did there, those tricksters), like the entire Brash lineup, pulls no punches. While the line for the bar wrapped around the entire wall of old school arcade games and the humidity created a balls-hot sauna, the wait was most definitely worth it.
Brash Abide pours darker than my soul (think midnight black) with a beautiful, light caramel colored head that lingers for the duration of consumption. The frothy, foamy head let me know I was in for a bold, rich treat, not some watered-down BS stout.
My first sip was utterly refreshing, something similar to a shower beer after being outside for any extended amount of time in Southeast Texas, and I generally don’t describe stouts as ‘refreshing’. Like any respectful gentleman, this brew doesn’t come on too strong too fast.
It has hints of roasted coffee, dark chocolate, and a well-balanced bitterness that presents surprisingly sweet. Brash Abide greets your taste buds eloquently and deliciously, ending with a smooth, slightly boozey zing.
I was expecting a thicker body, but was pleased the medium-weight didn’t fill me up the way other beers from the dark side tend to do.
The complex, yet subtle flavors and medium body would make this incredibly sessionable… if not for that beast of an ABV, which quite possibly may be my favorite aspect of Abide. In my opinion, it comes nowhere close to tasting like a “big ass” beer! There’s no discernibly overpowering alcohol flavor, which makes it super sip-able while being elusively robust.
Not exactly perfection, but Brash Abide easily strikes its way into my top ten stouts. This is a solid beer for your friend who loves Guinness or even a fellow craft connoisseur who enjoys Left Hand Milk Stout.
Hit up Brash to try a pint and take a crowler to-go once it’s won you over. While not on shelves yet, you can find Abide on draft in a few locations. Be on the look out for a tap handle with a menacing black and white skull fashioning military-style head gear.
But yeah, well, you know, that’s just, like, my opinion, man. Let me know what you thought about Brash’s White Russian Milk Stout. Do you abide in Abide? Beers to you, Houston. 🍻
William C.
Posted at 08:14h, 26 JuneThe Brash Abide is tremendous and the multiple snifters I’ve consumed at my neighborhood Whole Foods can attest for that. Keep an eye out for Brash’s Milk the Venom and Vulgar Display of Power (my favorite Pantera Album) as well.
Posted at 14:49h, 26 JuneYeah man, Brash keeps hitting the mark! Milk the Venom was a real treat last year around the holidays.