
Brash Brewing Abide by Nick B




Brash Brewing

Houston – Independence Heights

“White Russian” Imperial Milk Stout

ABV: 10%

IBUs: 20

Packaging: Draft, 32 oz Crowler



The weather outside is still hot as hell and somehow getting hotter. What better way to cool off than a White Russian (imperial milk stout)?! The Dude would be proud of that beverage choice. Brash Brewing has the answer for all of you dudes and dudettes out there: Abide.

Abide obviously pays homage to The Big Lebowski. If you haven’t seen that movie, I’m not sure what to tell you other than you might be out of your element here with these references I’ll undoubtedly be making throughout this review.

After taking the picture you see above, I got around to abiding and imbibing this jet black stout. Abide had aromas of dark chocolate, vanilla, and dark roast coffee beans. The vanilla provided the only sweet aroma to cover up the powerfully bitter aromas, but it fills in quite nicely.

While the aromas are heavy, the mouthfeel on Abide is just as heavy. It’s aggressive, but subtle at the same time. Abide opens up with a milky sweetness on the front end that is followed by bitter, unsweetened chocolate. There is a subtle oaky vanilla flavor that really ties the flavors together.

I’m giving Abide 4 stars because the balance of sweet and bitter aromas and flavors makes for a pleasant beer no matter the weather. Obviously, you should be aware that if you drink too many, you’ll surely be ejected from the garden party for being drunk and abusive. Hannah digged it too.

Do you think this is the kind of aggressive beer that you can let stand? Beers to you, Houston! 🍻

Nick B

Nick is originally from the Corpus Christi area, but found himself in Houston as of 4 years ago. You can spot him wearing a Hooks hat and drinking a glass of craft beer around the city. He typically prefers his beers to mirror his taste in music: complex, heavy, and dark.

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