25 Apr Brash Brewing Fancy Sauce IPA by Chris
Fancy Sauce IPA
Brash Brewing
Houston (The Heights)
ABV: 6%
IBUs: 88
Packaging: Draft
So if you’re not familiar with “fancy sauce” from Step Brothers, I highly recommend a trip to amazon to buy the movie or, at the very least, a trip to Youtube to check out the fancy sauce scene. Similar to the movie Step Brothers, Brash Brewing Fancy Sauce didn’t disappoint!
Fancy Sauce IPA pours a slightly dark golden colored body with a single finger worth of white head that quickly disappeared. Lacing is heavy all the way down the glass with a real clean, crisp mouth feel.
Brash Brewing is known for their hop heavy IPAs and big stouts. Fancy Sauce, while I’ve seen it listed as a West Coast IPA, is very mild compared to EZ-7 and Pussy Wagon. It starts with a tropical/grapefruit nose and finishes with a long lasting piny flavor that lingers until the next sip!
I gave Brash Brewing Fancy Sauce IPA a 4 star rating because it’s very crushable and flavorful which isn’t always the case with IPAs. I wouldn’t be able to share this Fancy Sauce with anyone (Step Brothers reference)!
I expected a huge West Coast IPA, and while I’m a fan of the style, I was pleasantly surprised to see Fancy Sauce wasn’t quite that heavy.
Fancy Sauce IPA is available on draft only for a limited time. Basically, what I’m saying is, go to Hop Stop Humble or Hop Scholar right now and get your fair share of an excellent IPA!
Brash Brewing Fancy Sauce IPA is a great IPA! I Thought it lived up to the hype and will be planning to make all the events next year on 4/20! Did you try this years Fancy Sauce? Did you like the subtlety or think it was weak for a Brash beer? Let us know in the comments below and as always, Beers to you Houston!
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