
Brazos Valley Mama Tried by Tam



Mama Tried

Brazos Valley Brewing Co.

Brenham, TX

Citra IPA

ABV: 6.6%

IBUs: 55

Packaging: Draft, 12 oz cans




“Mama tried to raise a lady, but daddy won, he raised a lady who doesn’t take shit from anyone…”

If I had a dollar for every time I heard or saw this saying, by Country Music Artist Miranda Lambert, growing up in my small farming town I’d probably own the local hang out spot we all congregated at after school; it was Sonic (HAHAHA).

Honestly though, it seems that Brazos Valley Brewing has seem to found their marketing calling with what I refer to as the “Brazos Valley Angel.” As of current, there is three beers that they have created with this nameless series all featuring the “Angel” and each one is as delicious as the next.

I first got wind of this beer from one of our authors who raved about the quality, taste, and creative genius it took to create this fine Citra IPA; in fact he gave it 5 stars and you can read about it HERE. Naturally, I grabbed a six pack and decided to take an hour or two out of my day and drink beer while throwing axes (let that sink in).

*Disclaimer, drink responsibly and try not to play with sharp objects while enjoying said adult beverages.

Mama Tried claims the title of Citra IPA for its overwhelming aroma of orange citrus, sparks of pineapple, and hints of floral notes. The pour is a hazy yellow that produces a small amount of head that will last through the round of axe throwing (which is usually less than a minute). This brew is light bodied and has an immediate hoppy kick like any IPA but has a smooth grapefruit like finish. I highly recommend enjoying this beverage with your favorite fast food or salty snack. The balance between bitter sweet and your favorite greasy burger is fuego (fire); meaning good…come on get with the slang terms people!



The can is a bright yellow beacon that attracts the eye and graced upon the cover is the Brazos Valley Angel softly blowing the smoke from her revolver. What I enjoy most about the label is the mini map that gives the most un-geographical savvy Texan or non-local an idea of wear Brenham is. I have to admit, that if I would have met a woman like the one illustrated in 3 of BVB’s signature craft brews, I honestly don’t think I would be sitting in suburban hell writing this review in my home office. In fact, I would probably be drenched in sweat, a lot tanner, and have a deeper southern drawl.

Mama Tried is excellent for anytime anywhere and I highly recommend you go out and grab yourself a six and fall into the trance that the BVB Angel has obviously entrapped all of us here at Beer Chronicle. Let us know what you think in the comments below, and as always “Beers to you, Houston!”


Tam Pham
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