
Buffalo Bayou 1836 by Tam




Buffalo Bayou Brewing Co.

Houston (Nolda St.)

Copper Ale

ABV: 6%

IBUs: 40

Packaging: Draft, 12 oz cans




Close your eyes and imagine for a moment that a pungent fiery smoke has filled your lungs and your ears are deafened by a barrage of cannon blasts. Your motor functions as well as senses are slightly hazy due to the concussive blasts of 20lb shells exploding in mid-air. These explosions propel you forward and you fall upon the blood soaked soil, slowly regaining your footing, you look up and in the distance you see your fellow Texan brothers in arms desperately pushing back the rapidly advancing armies of General Santa Ana over and over again.

If you were raised like I was, “Texas History” was as much as a major part of my curriculum as calculus or physics. We were taught that we were the best state in all 50, and although we weren’t the biggest (Alaska…I know…I know) we were the baddest mofo’s that ever existed. Hence why a common saying you hear in this great state is “Try that in Texas and see what happens.” We are also very fortunate to be living in a city named after Texas’s first General and the first (as well as third) President of the Republic of Texas; Samuel “Sam” Houston.

I am proud to say that Buffalo Bayou has done General Houston and the Republic of Texas justice with the release of 1836. This “Heritage Series” Copper Ale is a year round brew that was made originally for Texas Independence Day and has stayed on their regular brewing schedule; because who doesn’t need a little “Come and Take It” in their life.

1836 pours a burnt orange (Hook’em) with a decent amount of head that subsides to a thin lace. It’s floral notes masks any bitters and is pleasant to just sit and smell for a moment. That first taste though is a punch to your mouth with a strong malty caramel. The bitter bites fades to a smooth finish and is very refreshing; which provides a bit of relief during our more frying pan style heat waves.




The can is decorated in penny copper with a black silhouetted musket that is grasped by an all too familiar legend of the frontier. The statement printed under the musket is believed by every true born Texan and will echo until the walls of the Alamo crumble to dust, “If you have to ask what 1836 stands for. Please put down this beer and leave our country.”

For 12 days, 154 men (130 Texan and 14 Tennessee Volunteers) fought over 3,000 Mexican soldiers in a small church that was transformed into a makeshift fort for the newly formed Republic. These men were given a choice by General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna to surrender their cannons and lay down their arms. They instead responded, in true Texan fashion, with a volley of cannon fire.

In times when bigger commercial companies are trying to take even more territory in our beloved city, it makes me proud to know that a handful of Houston craft beer companies are taking a stand, firing their volleys and saying “Come and Take It!”

Let us know what you think in the comments below, and as always “Beers to you, Houston!”

Tam Pham
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