25 May Buffalo Bayou Figaro by Nick B
Figaro, Figaro, Figaro, Fiiigaaaro
Buffalo Bayou Brewing Co.
Quad with figs
ABV: 11%
IBUs: 20
Packaging: Draft, 22 oz Bottles
My review this week screams that I should be sophisticated enough to talk about opera, but I know just about as much about opera as I do about shaving with a straight razor. Buffalo Bayou made Figaro in collaboration with the Houston Grand Opera when The Barber of Seville came to town. Honestly, I just remember “Largo al Factotum” from Looney Tunes and that’s about as sophisticated as I get.
Figaro poured a deep, cloudy amber color with a creamy head that stuck around forever after I poured it! I literally walked away for 20 minutes and it was still there. I don’t know if I’ve had many beers that retain head that well.
Figaro had the aroma of dark, sweet fruits: figs and raisins. A medium mouthfeel gave way to lovely raisin and fig sweetness without being overly sweet, and rich malt flavors left a slightly bitter aftertaste. I was expecting more earthy and peppery flavors from the Belgian yeast, but none were to be found. I’m kind of disappointed by that.
I’m giving Figaro 4 stars for not being overly sweet and having flavors that work well together in concert, but knowing that it’s a “Belgian quad” while those typical Belgian yeast flavor notes are not around is like having an orchestra without the deep brass section to me. I would still drink Figaro again and again though. Also, it’s great to age!
I believe this year’s Figaro has been out for a couple of months now and you can find it in bombers at your local store. It is very rare that I have ever seen on it on draft outside of the brewery, but every once in a while, it pops up at better known watering holes.
Which Figaro do you think would be more successful in wooing you: the fictional barber or the beer? Let us know below! Beers to you, Houston.
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