29 Jul Buffalo Bayou Tropikal Rotundone by Hannah
Buffalo Bayou Tropikal Rotundone
Buffalo Bayou Brewing Company
ABV: 8.7%
IBUs: 30
Packaging: Draft, 32 oz Bomber
Buffalo Bayou seems to release beers faster than Michael Bay can produce Transformer films. Lucky for us, however, Buffalo Bayou actually crafts great beer!
Sometimes the names of Buffalo Bayou’s beers, such as Tropikal Rotundone (also Maple Chili Jam- wtf!), may scare you away, but don’t let that Decepticon you out of trying them. The summery, fruity Buffalo Bayou Tropikal Rotundone, for example, is an Optimus Prime choice!
Okay, okayy, the horrible Transformer puns are done, I promise…maybe. -evil grin-
If you’ve been following my beer reviews lately, you know I’m on a summer seasonal kick, specifically saisons. It’s literally four million degrees outside and my weak womanly frame can only handle so many stouts! This week remains on that same delicious, refreshing bend of saisons…
Buffalo Bayou Tropikal Rotundone pours a cloudy, light amber tone with a tan, fingers-worth of effervescent, longstanding foam. The colorful, fruity scents of mango and passionfruit are by no means shy. The citrus nose is pleasantly accompanied by a dry, well-attenuated, almost white wine-like aroma.
The light to medium light mouthfeel engages nicely with the fine, medium carbonation that playfully prickles the tongue. The slight hop bitterness and crisp, dry alcohol warmth lingers on the finish. This baby weighs in at 8.7 % ABV so those are all to be expected.
The juicy, fruitiness keeps on coming with strong malty, mango flavors well balanced by the crisp, alcohol notes. Where as some fruit saisons veer to the overly sweet side, Tropikal Rotundone toes the line of supple, yet slightly tart. It’s big wave of fruit flavors creates a completely smooth and crushable blend.
Want to get your hands on Tropikal Rotundone before this summer beer is done done for the season?! Head to Buffalo Bayou TODAY, July 29th, to celebrate at their Christmas in July Party. One of a kind holiday-themed beers, such as Gingerbread Stout and Mexican Hot Chocolate, will be flowing along with one of the best summer saisons this year.
You can also find Tropikal Rotundone in bombers throughout the greater Houston area. I’m a bit disappointed I haven’t Autobot more yet.
For a uniquely flavored fruit beer, Buffalo Bayou Tropikal Rotundone fits well into the style profile. The finish was drier than I would have liked so I respectfully award it four and a half stars.
What did you think of Buffalo Bayou Tropikal Rotundone? Let your girl know below! Beers to you, Houston! 🍻
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