07 Oct Catalyst, Texas Beer Refinery by Chris Adams
Texas Beer Refinery
Dickinson, TX
Double IPA
ABV: 9.6 %
IBUs: 160
Packaging: Draft, 22oz. Bombers
Catalyst Imperial IPA AKA Double IPA is hopped up with 8 different hop varieties and Texas sized flavor! Texas Beer Refinery has a solid line up with 7 beers in rotation. I have to admit that I was way late on actually trying a beer fromĀ these guys, but they have my undivided attention!
From the moment I poured this beer into my glass, I knew I was in for a wild ride! The dank, almost overwhelming smell is just the beginning. The entire time I spent drinking this beer, I couldn’t put it down. I’m pretty sure they used 99% hops in this beer with just a dash of everything else. It does smooth out towards the end, though. Don’t be scared away, but this beer is for hop heads and not for the faint of heart.
Catalyst isn’t really comparable to anything I have had in the past. It surely has no commercial comparison. Brace yourself!
I gave Catalyst by Texas Beer Refining a 4 star rating because of how great it is! Disclaimer: I love hoppy notes in beer, and this is basically my ideal beer! It also has a high ABV so be prepared to party when you drink this.
The Artwork used on the Catalyst label looks like it could be something out of a Breaking Bad meets The Simpsons scene. It has a radioactive green borderĀ and wording with an illustration of a man in a yellow hazmat suit pouring something radioactive out of an ale tank.
I found my bomber at the Specs location off of Smith Street in Downtown Houston.
Catalyst was the first beer I tried from the guys at Texas Beer Refinery, and needless to say, I am impressed! Let us know what you think and leave a comment below!
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