Southern Star Buried Hatchet Stout
Buried Hatchet Stout tastes exactly like it smells with a smooth and welcoming start to the sip followed by mild sweetness and finished with the bitterness of...
Buried Hatchet Stout tastes exactly like it smells with a smooth and welcoming start to the sip followed by mild sweetness and finished with the bitterness of...
11 Below Trade Bait IPA is a rotating hop beer with a delightfully fruity hop aroma that smells like oranges and pineapples in the cleanest, sharpest way. Not even sure if that makes sense but...
I've got a good friend that drinks Dos Equis exclusively. I've tried to get him into craft a few times, but there just aren't many Mexican lager options for those people. It's something that leaves me torn because as a beer nerd, I'm not...
Baa Baa Brewhouse Double Play has a pleasant citrus flavor at the beginning and finishes with a very slight mosaic flavor at the end. The mouthfeel is soft and creamy, while the body is creamy and smooth. The astringency is very low and hardly noticeable. The drinkabilty is super easy from beginning to end....
I havn't seen much of Blackwater Draw in Houston and I had never tried Contract Killer until a unexpected trip out of town thanks to Hurricane Harvey. Luckily enough for my family and I we took a weekend trip to Austin to get out of the path of Hurricane Harvey. We ended up staying out of town until Wednesday when it was finally clear enough to make the trip home. We cooked dinner for our friends who hosted us during this week long extended stay. while at...
Aceite Crudo RIS makes up for any absence of art. It pours blacker than the soul of (enter the name of your least favorite politician here.) No flashlight test is getting through this sucker - it's opaque black. As it pours, the...
There are plenty of examples to compare Saint Arnold Brewing 5 O’clock Pils with. If you have a buddy who loves Miller light have them try 5 O’Clock Pils. If they don’t love it have them try Back Pew Blue Testament. This style is a foot in the door for macro conversion to craft beer....
Texas Secession pours clearer than a Texas summer sky with a little bit of head that exits left stage and leaves no encore in the way of lace. It's golden amber like waves of grace. The flavor is...
Cycler's Bonked is one of the best pumpkin beers I've ever had. For a beer that's named after cycling jargon for being tired and made in a style that so many people are tired of (or flat out hate), it's definitely...
I was lucky enough to get a Crowler of Whole Foods Brewing DL Wet Hop by way of Sam. He's up there enough that they probably oughta put his butt to work, but that's another story for another time. It's a fresh...
The aroma of Whole Foods Wet Hop Explorer is danky, grassy, and hoppy. It literally reminds me of high school when I said "I'll meet you after seventh period man". It's plain ridiculous! The pour provides plenty of head and the lacing is right on point....
“Can’t wait for their beer to catch up with their marketing.” That’s something I hear from beer snobs from time to time, but 8th Wonder AstroTurf is the kind of beer that gives me the...
The label art is not for the faint of heart. Death is standing on coffins that are draining blood. The devil and possibly some tortured souls are watching from the woods. A blue eyed wolf is taking off with a severed hand in his mouth like it's a bone. A headstone with a bleeding gory crucified zombie like Jesus is marked the word vivisect on the bottom and inri at the top. Vivisect means to dissect a body while it is still alive....
Last weekend was ridiculously full of beer events and releases. It was a particularly good weekend for juice heads. Spindletap, Sigma, Baa Baa, and Copperhead all released hazy IPAs. Copperhead Citraaddicted more than held it's own with Operation Juice Drop, 4xDDH Medina Sod, and Houston Haze. My recommendation is pretty simple, if you like hazy IPA's it's a great time to be in Houston. Drink them all! ...
Operation Juice Drop shines through the dark clouds with fresh, green pineapple flavors on the front and grapefruit and sweet oranges on the finish, but in between there’s a smooth fruitiness. The grapefruit finish also singed of a pronounced hop burn...
Copperhead Athena has scents of yeast, fruit, and very mild alcohol. Similarly in taste, she is malt forward, with almost no detectible hop bitterness, featuring a lightly sweet, yeasty flavor. My favorite feature of Athena, you may ask? Her absolutely impeccable...
Warimono poured a clear golden color. There was little to no head and only minimal carbonation after the pour, but it packed a strong aroma of bubble gum, peppercorns, and Belgian yeast spice. The 9.2% ABV makes itself known with a...
Fresh Hop Elissa IPA is an farm-to-table, err, brewery, take on Saint Arnold's longtime IPA, Elissa. It's made with fresh hops instead of the usual dried up pellets, and it smells subtle, but of so many different things. There are grassy and fruity notes that...
From the first scene, the can of B52 Looking Good Barry cracked open and filled my house with the same pineapply, tropical notes that...
Nature of Ego & Self boasts a very sessionable, easily drinkable style. Scents of roasted nuts, dried dark fruits, and lightly browned sugar continually graces the palette. Sweetness overwhelms with flavors of caramel, toffee, and toasted malt. However, dried dates give a moderate balance that ends on...