01 Oct Copperhead Athena
Copperhead Athena
Copperhead Brewery
Belgian Golden Strong Ale
ABV: 8.6%
IBUs: 30
Packaging: Draft, 6 pack 12 ounce bottles, Single 12 ounce bottles
Copperhead’s Athena gets three paws up from my adorable fur child, Rogue. And honestly, that’s only due to the fact she is missing a leg. This Belgian golden strong undeniably deserves four paws and a fervently wagging tail.
Aptly named, Athena was the Greek goddess of war, wisdom, craft, and often seen as the protectress of the city. In an attempt to channel my inner Athena, please let me bestow upon you priceless wisdom of craft beer.
Athena, like her luscious locks on the bottle’s label, pours a beautiful, golden straw color. It holds a fingers worth of off-white head for a good duration. Copperhead Athena reflects the Belgian golden strong ale (also referred to as tripel) style incredibly well. The mouthfeel includes medium carbonation and moderate attenuation (meaning drier and more alcoholic) that produces an overall smooth, medium viscosity.
Expect basic scents of yeast, fruity esters, and very mild alcohol. Similarly in taste, Copperhead Athena is malt forward, with almost no detectible hop bitterness, and features a lightly sweet, yeasty flavor. Hop flavors do not stand out, and at 30 IBU’s, this is exactly what should occur.
My favorite feature of Athena, you may ask?
Her absolutely impeccable drinkability. Even my pupper can’t keep her paws off it!
Weighing in at 8.6% ABV, Copperhead Athena shouldn’t fall into the category of session beers (low alcohol content suitable for drinking over an extended amount of time), but somehow makes the argument otherwise. While you will undoubtedly lose your motor skills and sobriety after imbibing a few of the Greek goddess, you will not notice until it is too late.
I highly recommend Athena for the craft connoisseur or newbie. While enjoyable, the flavor profile isn’t bold or harsh, making it palatable for light lager lovers, strong stout sectarians and even the pretentious hop heads.
If you’ve never ventured north to Copperhead Brewery, DO IT! Owned and operated by the dynamic wife/husband duo, Alicia and Seth, Copperhead’s atmosphere is always inviting. They rank high on my list of most underrated Houston-area breweries, but you be the judge. Check them and Athena out!
Copperhead Athena
Copperhead Athena renewed my faith in Belgian beers. Just kidding, I never doubted their magnificence, but Athena perfectly fit the style. What did you think? Is Athena worthy of the title of goddess, or is she just a basic beer?
Let us know by voting below or tell us about it in the comments! Beers to you, Houston!
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