22 Jun Copperhead Striker IPA by Tam
Striker IPA
Copperhead Brewery
Conroe, TX
American IPA
ABV: 7%
IBUs: 72
Packaging: Draft, 12 oz bottles
*Picture Courtesy of Yelp/Copperhead Brewery Taproom Brew List
I will not lie.
I was nervous as hell to try out another one of Copperheads concoctions since my last just didn’t sit right with me (*cough* Medusa *cough*). So on a suggestion, given by several of my fellow authors, I ventured once more down the aisles of HEB toward the Houston craft beer section and found a brew that would restore my confidence in their brewing company.
(To my surprise, this brew had already been tasted by the Beer Chronicle family previously in a past venture; link here.)
Last Thanksgiving, we conducted a blind taste test of 15 selected IPA’s in hopes that we would find the top 5. (Side Note, we received much scrutiny for not getting more, but remember guys we are non-profit and so much of this venture is from our own pockets.) Striker IPA made not only the top 3 but won “The Most Dank” (insert yay face). Anyways, I can honestly say that at the time I was not a huge fan of IPA’s but after this taste test I shifted my allegiances and came to the “Dark Bitter Side.”
Striker IPA pours gold and large streaks of amber that could’ve been the fruity notes. It has a finger of head that lasts the duration of the brew and the aroma is overwhelming. I believed it was Copperhead’s way of letting the drinker know that you are about to get some quality dank smelling beer. That first taste was a hard punch of bitter and had an even longer ending. Its dry finish is a nice touch when paired with flavorful foods and makes you thirst another.
The label is as aggressive as is the brew, with a midnight black background and a dark green Copperhead snake in a striking position; which is clever since the contents are the venomous strike (hence the name). The snake swims within a brewing barrel that is encompassed by hop vines that details its bitter contents. It was the first time Copperhead scaled up a beer in IBU’s and it paid off tenfold. Recently, at the Annual Wild West Brewfest, Striker IPA won a Gold medal in tasting as well as best overall in show; a feat not so easily accomplished.
I found this brew to be excellent for veteran IPA drinkers but perhaps to advance for the novice, hence my reasoning for a grade between good and great.
It seems many forums have mixed reviews when it comes to Striker IPA and I must stress I am but one voice. So let us know what you think in the comments below and as always “Beers to you, Houston!”
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