El Hefe Weizen, No Label Brewing



El Hefe Weizen

No Label Brewing

Katy, TX


ABV: 5.6%

IBUs: 11.7

Packaging: Draft, 12oz. Bottles.


El Hefe Weizen is one of the original brews that No Label Brewing released. The Recipe seems to have changed, not sure exactly how but it is better now in my opinion. If you’re looking for a beer you can enjoy all day, this is for you. It is very heavy handed with the citrus and not hoppy at all. This beer doesn’t leave a head and doesn’t leave a lace in the glass.

I gave this a 3-star rating. It is a good beer! You would be doing yourself a disservice to not give El Hefe Weizen a try! I enjoy it and will continue to buy it!

The color is a perfect golden brown.

This beer is light, crisp and very drinkable! This is a great summer beer, although it is available year round. This beer wont set your world on fire, but it is a must drink at least once!

The artwork on the El Hefe Weizen, which translates to the boss of the house, is a very classic artwork. Plain Text, with a silhouette of a mom on the side.

I’ve been drinking No Label Brewing since the days where you could only buy it at the brewery! Now you can find it in most H-E-B’s, Kroger, and Whole Food Grocery Stores!

This beer is good! I don’t think its the best thing on the market, however it is worth drinking! Go ahead grab a pint or a 6-pack, you wont regret it!


Chris loves Beer, Whiskey, Cigars, Music, Sports and Houston! He's worked in the oil industry since 2011. He's an Army veteran and most importantly a husband and father. His favorite beers are hop-forward and unique.

  • William C.
    Posted at 11:52h, 13 July

    Though in the past year several Houston Craft Breweries have released their iterations of Hefeweizen (8th Wonder Weistheimer for example), I’ve always found my way back to NL’s El Hefe because its been a staple of the craft scene here in Houston. Though it may not be the best, I find myself indulging in one or two from time to time. In my opinion, Live Oak’s Hefeweizen reigns supreme when it comes to “the best Hefeweizen” and I often find myself gravitating to it at my local HEB.

  • Chris
    Posted at 12:47h, 15 July

    El Hefe is a timeless classic! Have you had Holler Brewing hefeweizen? pretty good brew, best in Houston if you ask me!

  • Justin Phillips
    Posted at 17:54h, 08 July

    If I could hop into a time machine and grab the original El Hefe that the brewery served before they hit store shelves, I’d tell you it should be 5/5 stars. Don’t know what all changed, but it’s still a crowd pleaser.

  • Tony D
    Posted at 07:38h, 11 July

    Hey Justin! I haven’t had it in a long time, but 3 stars means good. Tam enjoyed it, and so did I last time I had it at the brewery. Now that it’s in cans, I oughta go grab a six pack and see how/if it’s changed.

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