09 Sep F U Harvey Teku
Want a F U Harvey Teku?
Meet us at Baa Baa Brewhouse today Sat. 9/9/2017
These past few weeks have been tough for the city. If you’ve been following along on the blog since before Harvey, you’ll know we were fundraising to help with a local protest.
Once the rain started falling, and falling, and falling, we decided to pull the plug on the protest and use the protest donations to give to Harvey relief efforts.
We just feel awful about what’s happened to the city state. Hannah lost both her cars and some property. Nick, Hannah and Sam all have relatives/friends in the valley that lost much. Tony and Chris have a few friends that lost everything. Nick and Tony spent their “time off” gutting the homes of elderly people and were able to clean up 42 homes and 2 churches while Hannah baked cookies for shelters and Sam and Chris gathered up supplies to give to shelters. Hannah’s still working on another, separate benefit with Saloon Door. We could go on and on, but that’s not what matters.
No matter how much we do, it never feels like enough. So we’re doing this to flip the $ it and grow it into more before donating. This is the same exact thing the breweries are doing, but they got the beeerz and we got the Tekus.
Let’s be honest, every penny counts, but $309 just isn’t enough. So we invested that $ into some F U Harvey Tekus, and we’re gonna sell them today at Baa Baa.
BUT Harvey rears his ugly head again. The glasses were scheduled to arrive earlier this week, but were delayed due to flooding and packages being backed up while the whole city was under water for a few days. Therefore, we’re taking presales today at Baa Baa, and the first 30 glasses will be delivered back to Baa Baa next Saturday.
Depending on how quickly we sell the first 30 F U Harvey Teku presales at Baa Baa, we might let more people order and buy another batch to grow the $ even more. We’ll see how it goes, though.
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