01 Nov Father Goose IPA, Baa Baa Brewhouse by Chris
Father Goose IPA
Baa Baa Brewhouse
Brookshire, TX
ABV: 7%
IBUs: 65
Packaging: Draft
Baa Baa Brewhouse is quickly becoming a force in the local beer scene. They have a solid line up, and I think this Father Goose IPA is the headliner! No disrespect to the other beers they brew – they’re legit, Father Goose is just that much better to me. Also, That’s Tony’s hand in the picture above, holding some of the hops that were put in the next batch of Father Goose!
Father Goose IPA is a SMaSH IPA, meaning Single Malt and Single Hop. I don’t remember the malt, but it’s Mosaic hops. Not only is Father Goose IPA ridiculously delicious, it’s super smooth! You can drink this all day long. Its transparent with a golden brown body, a creamy white head, and a good lace in the glass. Father Goose IPA has perfect fruit notes that are somehow delicate yet powerful at the same time, and they balance well with the sweetness. I. Love. This. Beer.
It seems like Mosaic hops might be becoming a favorite for single hop beers. Fire Ant Brewing has a Mosaic APA that we had when we visited them to write about their future brewery, and it was terrific, and Lone Pint also has a (very rightfully hyped up) Mosaic SMaSH IPA, Yellow Rose, that both Tony and Tam recently wrote about.
It’s almost not fair to compare this to another IPA. Obviously, a macro comparison can’t be made.
Man, hold up, this may be Beer Chronicle history in the making! I don’t think I’ve rated a beer with a solid 5 stars yet. It’s not a fluke – we don’t give them things out like candy! 5 stars means it’s really special, and we treat it as such. Father Goose is the real deal, y’all!
I had no expectations when I first tried Father Goose IPA. It was the very first beer I had from Baa Baa Brewhouse when we visited them, and obviously it set the bar very high. It was so good, I made a special trip from Spring to Brookshire for a quick chat with Marcus and Kinga and to get my growler filled. Yeah, its that good!
The Draft handle at the brewery is shown above. However, if you’re out around town, you might see taps made of children’s blocks, spelling out “Baa-Baa” with the Baa Baa logo right in the middle. You can see that style handle here. These are all hand-made taps.
Baa Baa Brewhouse is currently only sold at Growler USA and the brewery, where they do sell to go growlers.
This beer is so good, words won’t do it justice! You have to visit them, and try it for yourself. I would bet that in a blind taste test, it would rank in the top 5 of Houston area IPA’s!
Pingback:Yellow Rose IPA - Lone Pint Brewery - Houston Craft Beer Reviews
Posted at 16:41h, 24 September[…] Rose IPA reminds me a bit of Baa Baa’s Father Goose IPA. They’re both great, but I haven’t had the chance to write about theirs (yet). I love […]