18 Dec Houston Startup Barber Burglarized, Beer Stolen – Beer Nerds and Breweries Respond
It was Friday the 13th, 2019 at 2:48am when Jay’s Barber Shop & Shave Parlor was burglarized. Only three months after he opened his Heights shop, and he got cleaned out. Jay reached out to us to help him refill his fridge. The rest is Houston doing what Houston does.

Crooks ran off with all his clippers and tools.
They even stole his refrigerator and all the local beer in it.
After losing the tools that make his livelihood, Jay reached out to see if we could help him and Jay’s Barber Shop & Shave Parlor. Tis the season, so we’re doing our part.
We texted a few brewery owners, and immediately got responses from 11 Below, SpindleTap, and 8th Wonder, still waiting on a few others. While we waited, Josh headed out to drop off a few 6 Packs from us.
In this season of giving, we wanted to do our part to share Jay’s story and see if we can’t do some giving during this Christmas season. First, a little about Jay. Second, how you can get involved.
Where you from, Jay? Born & raised in the Heights. Love elementary, Hamilton M. S, Reagan HS, Texas Barber College Alum.
Tell me about how you started off in this industry, and how that turned into the dream of opening up your own shop. I felt the art of barbering was dying and fell in love. I’m doing God’s work through lessons I’ve learned & mistakes I’ve made.
Briefly tell me about the days/weeks leading up to you opening up. Bro if you only knew the adversities… Losing my grandma, my dog, and sacrificing time away from family and kids, just trying to grow the business. Being turned down numerous times on potential spaces. Being a business owner puts a huge strain on a marriage. I stuck with it, blood, sweat, and tears, and business is growing at a fast pace. Our passion for what we do shows, and the word of mouth has spread quickly.
When you give your patrons beer, is it local beer? Is it craft? C R A F T.
What’s your favorite Houston brewery (before you got any donations hahahah)? I dig Eureka Heights. I’ve had them in the fridge a few times with positive results, and I like to keep it local. Plus I’m in the Heights, so I can’t go wrong with them.
What kinda beer’s in your fridge at home right now? Mini Boss.
If you could look the thieves in the eyes, what would you tell them? I hope my stuff blesses you, and I forgive you.

Jay believes in customer service with a smile, and there’s no better smile fuel than a free, cold, Houston beer to go with your fresh new cut. But cutting hair is hard without clippers, and giving away beer is hard without… a fridge full of beer.
So here’s what we’re gonna do to help Jay out.
1. If you own a brewery or work in the beer industry, link up with him on Instagram, and get him some of your beer. His customers will thank you.
2. If you don’t work in the industry, stop in for a cut. BYOB and leave a few extras for the next folks.
3. Donate to help him get his tools back, and get back to business as usual.
4. Shop some of our gear at houstonbeer.af and use code “JAYSSHAVEPARLOR”. 100% of the profits from these sales will be donated to Jay and his shop from now until 2020. (No discounts apply because that cuts the donations.)
5. Share this story with a friend that’ll do 1 through 4, and let’s bless this man for Christmas.
In the meantime, we’re gonna share this story with our friends at What’s on Tap Radio and some contacts at the news stations, and see if we can’t really blow up his spot.
Jay wanted to close with this. “I give quality service, so I feel my barber family (not clients) deserve the best. I spread the love around being a small business owner. I support our local breweries, and I’m more than a barber. Jays Barbershop & Shave Parlor more than a barbershop; it’s an experience.”
Beers to you, Houston. Let’s help this guy get back on his feet.
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