28 Aug Hurricane Harvey Raining on Everyone’s Parade
Hurricane Harvey Raining on Everyone’s Parade
We created this blog for one simple reason. We want to help share Houston craft beer.
1. Houston 2. Craft Beer.
You may have caught wind of our crazy idea to help educate consumers about craft beer at an upcoming festival, and you may have even given to the cause.
First and foremost, thanks for your support. Those of you that gave dollars to the idea – you put your money where your mouth is, and your support of educating people about Houston beer is admirable to us.
However, when we planned Operation Big Beer Big Bird, there was no hurricane in the gulf. When we began rolling it out, there was. But we stubbornly underestimated it, as did many other Houstonians.
Of the 6 people currently on the Beer Chronicle team, 3 have been impacted dramatically by these floods, and we only represent a tiny sample of the people affected city-wide. (Estimates of 30,000+ people will need shelter.)
Hannah lost 2 cars and quite a bit of her possessions. After evacuating, she had this to share.
Walked thru 2 miles of high water yesterday to find my car and get valuables, then rescued by a Good Samaritan in a truck. In true woman fashion, I'm currently baking cookies to bring to one of the shelters close by.
With that said, these dollars could be going to a better cause right now, helping people in the city more impactfully.
We’re trying to help Houston craft beer however we can, and we leverage every bit of effort we can to do it (2 of the three affected have continued working on content for the site while trapped in their homes – Hannah’s one of them).
But at the end of the day, it’s Houston first, craft beer second. Good beer isn’t as good without good people to share it with.
Therefore, with Hurricane Harvey Raining on Everyone’s Parade, we’re pulling the plug on the fundraiser.
We’d like to donate what you’ve already given to citywide relief funds with your blessing. If you want a refund, please contact us privately to let us know. No hard feelings either way – Scouts honor. Hannah added, “P.S. Donate my contribution to flood victims.”
Thanks again for your support. Maybe we’ll have to try this again some other time when a historic hurricane isn’t devastating our city. Stay safe, stay off the roads, and save the whalez. Cheers, y’all. 🍻
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