24 Nov No Label Black Wit-O by Tam
Black Wit-O
No Label
Katy, TX
American Dark Wheat Ale
ABV: 7.2%
IBUs: 62
Packaging: Draft, 12oz. Bottles
So, I just recently became a fan of No Label Brewing, and I must say that I was truly impressed. No, not just impressed, but I was brought to craft beer tears by their Ridgeback Ale. Needless to say, I was looking super forward to partaking in another one of their delicious concoctions.
I made it my personal objective on my next grocery run to make sure I would grab the next six pack of any available No Label beer. That opportunity came on an emergency run for corn (don’t judge: my wife loves corn) and beer.
Black Wit-O; man, am I sucker for good wordplay. I literally laughed out loud when I stared at that label. I quickly made my way to the check out and headed straight for the casa; eager to try my new liquid treasure (and also deposit the ears of corn into my wife’s waiting hands).
I popped the cap and poured the contents into my favorite “We Love Houston Beer” pint glass and watched as the carbonation created a thin layer of head. This brew is as black as ink and the color immediately made me think of Guinness or a strong coffee stout, but the wit in the name seemed counterintuitive to that.
I had slight whiffs of licorice followed by what seemed like a coffee or chocolate aroma, as I smelled Black Wit-O before divulging into my first sip. That first taste was filled with an initial burst of licorice notes, but those quickly faded. Being me, and being committed to the cause, I took another sip with this one being much larger than the last. Once more, licorice notes then a fade into… nothing. Determined to enjoy this brew, I grabbed another bottle, popped the top, and drank it from the source. Sadly, this beer was pleasant smelling, but not the tastiest.
The label is clever with a black widow spider encompassed by a red background that lures the drinker into into purchasing this seasonal beer. It boasts of, “A Beer with a Bite,” but I felt no sting. The packaging for Black Wit-O seems like it was made just for Halloween, which means I was either very late to the party or this was scary terrible. Maybe it would have tasted better during that Hallows’ Eve Night?
Black Wit-O doesn’t dissuade me from continuing on my No Label rock tour, and I suggest that all drinkers not skip this beer on their way up the food chain, but I found myself wanting more and getting less. After all, I am just one craft beer drinker and, like fingerprints, no two palates are the same. So did Black Wit-O spin a web around you or did you brush her off? Let us know in the comments below! Beers to you, Houston!
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