01 Dec No Label Brewing Elda M. by Nick B
Elda M
No Label Brewing Company
Katy, TX
Milk Stout
ABV: 6.89%
IBUs: 25
Packaging: Draft, 12oz. Bottles
Yet again, here I am writing about another stout. I had a brief moment where I was kind of afraid that I am just being one dimensional in my content, but then I remembered that it’s winter everywhere else and it is prime stout season. This time, I jump on board the Elda M, No Label Brewing’s seasonal milk stout.
The labeling for Elda M is in homage to where the beer’s name comes from. According to No Label’s website, Elda M is the name of the boat that one of the owners grew up on in Panama. The label has a classic look with the beer’s name encased in a black rectangle on a white background. A picture of a boat (not sure if it is an artistic rendering of THE boat) sits in an oval on a blue sea background with “Milk Stout” on a black ribbon at the bottom. I didn’t notice it at first, but the blue background is actually a map of South America. This label is clean, classy, and aesthetically pleasing.
When I poured Elda M into my glass, there was a thin amount of off-white head atop liquid as black as the bottom of the ocean. The nose was bitter coffee with a dash of cream. Given the beers that I’ve been reviewing, you’d think I love coffee, but I don’t. It’s weird; I know. The nose on this beer was fantastic though and it had me eager to get to sippin’.
I waited until Elda M warmed up some so that I knew I would get the full effect of this 10 malt stout. The only bad part: I expected more complexity. The good part is that this beer was still really tasty. The flavor profile was heavy on roasted coffee and milky sweetness with hints of chocolate. It coated my palate and made me feel like you can get full on this beer quickly, but I can’t imagine that actually being the case.
I’m giving 4 stars to Elda M for drinkability and a solid flavor profile. You can find it on draft or in bottles for a limited time around the city.
On a cold night like tonight, Elda M is an easy drinker that can replace your coffee and/or put you to sleep as a night cap. At a middle of the road 6.89% (If the professors at NL didn’t round up then I won’t either), you’ll probably start to feel it after a few. Let us know what you think of this great stout!
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