It was just a mere six months ago that I decided to proverbially dip my toe into the water and purchase a small craft beer kit that would produce 2 gallons of India Pale Ale; a brew style that I believe to be advanced and is intimidating in itself. The kit was purchased not at a home brew store, but on the for sale aisle of...

I know I know this review isn't breaking news that Houston Haze is the bomb.  What impresses here is the consistency of the beer.  The mouth is super soft and has only improved.  The citrus just explodes in your mouth while the bitter remains very low on the back end....

My first time trying Kadigan blonde was at New Republic Brewing Co's taproom in college station. I didn't go there for Kadigan but where else do you start? Blondes are the equivalent of dipping your toes in the water before you jump in. Very solid beer, perfect for a weekend afternoon beer! I feel like Blondes and Pilsners get overlooked and are even a little under appreciated! I know I'm guilty of it. ...

Southern Star Oktoberfest tastes of cereal grains, toasted bread, caramel, and a touch of coriander and clove. It veers towards a malty sweetness that is overall balanced, but manages to finish with a slight warming sensation, compliments of it's higher ABV for the style....

You're almost done (boxing up that is)!  Arranging the beers in the box is the part where Amber is truly amazing.  Geometry comes into play here.  You have to arrange the beers just right so the box is tight and the beers don't move around. ...

Lame Duck pours a medium amber color, with the perfect amount of head. In the recent haze craze, anything amber that you can see through is sometimes dismissed. The color isn't too clear, which sometimes indicates a thin watery beer. Your nose can't miss the citrus fire that exudes after pouring....

B52 Upgrayedd smells of grapefruits, and pineapples from the dry hopping and a tiny little alcohol note plays the background. The aromas are ppowerful and ppleasant - two P's for a double dose of aroma. It tastes...

BAKFISH I Tell You Wit pours beautifully with a finger of thick, froathy white head. It resembles a cloudier glass of freshly squeezed orange juice that sips incredibly smoothe, with a light body and moderate carbonation. Bold flavors of sweet orange and spicy coriander devour the palette in a delightful balance that veers toward...

Spindletap Juiceston pours an orange hazy  color with a good amount of head that is typical of Double IPA's.  The lacing is there but minimal.  The aroma is killer on this one people.  You get a tropical aroma that is heavenly.  I definitely pick up some guava on the nose as well as citrus flavors....

Identity, style, and flash are well checked when it comes to Back Pew Brewing. These guys have a mentality that basically proclaims “Here’s our beer. If you don’t like it, then move the (expletive) on.” This is where there two main genres come on; Saints and Sinners...