Abide obviously pays homage to The Big Lebowski. If you haven't seen that movie, I'm not sure what to tell you other than you might be out of your element here with these references I'll undoubtedly be making throughout this review...

When the crowd was finally mellowed and entranced by the live musician, who was covering 80’s/90’s ballads, Jeff was able to join me as well as a fellow author and a few brewers from Back Pew Brewing in a game of darts. It was during my back to back bullseye throws that I learned the story behind Lame Duck. The beer had originally been called...

If you're ever debating if you should make the voyage up north to visit our friends at Back Pew Brewing, the answer should always be yes and while you're there, grab a pint of Satyr's Swill Bock. My first time at Back Pew was at their Oktoberfest last year and I was fortunate enough to sit down with Bobby and talk beer with him. If you get the chance, track him down and ask him ANYTHING beer related and watch in amazement at the answer he gives...

Buffalo Bayou Tropikal Rotundone pours a cloudy, light amber tone with colorful, fruity scents of mango and passionfruit. The juicy, fruitiness keeps on coming with strong malty, mango flavors well balanced by the crisp, alcohol notes. It's big wave of fruit flavors creates a completely...

When you first pop a cold can of Don’t Fear the RIPA your nostrils are instantaneously swarmed by the aroma of bitter grapefruit. For those who are down with the hop, it’s probably a sure sign of what is to come but for those who aren’t…well pucker up baby you’re going for a ride ;)...

Town in City Brewing has always had a special place in my heart. My first time going there, my wife was pregnant with our son, we went for their steak night (RIP) and walked away really impressed with the atmosphere and and the beers on tap. Our second time at Town in City was again for their steak night, love steak nights! My wife was finally able to have a beer and she always mentions Town in City as her favorite brewery. City Porter, along with all their...

Texas Razzle Snake was the most surprising beer I had at BAKFISH Brewing. I had no idea what it was, never heard it mentioned before that day, I took a sip and said man, what is this beer?! BAKFISH Brewing was the first brewery in Pearland and they're doing some great things down on the southside of town. Often, people judge a brewery based on 1 beer and that's crazy! Do yourself a favor and go check out what they have going on, you wont regret it! ...

IP8 poured a clear golden color, right on for a double IPA. There was 2 fingers of white fluffy head that melted down into a thin layer as I cooked my carne de pastor, and each sip left more and more creamy lace down the glass. It was more like a...

Honey Hole is the bees knees. It pours a medium golden orange, almost rust-like color with very little head that doesn't linger, although it seemed to "buzz" with the effervescence of carbonation for quite a few sips. It's aromas include bready malt, sweet honey, and a slight dryness you'd expect...

Gordon Street Tavern humble beginnings can be traced back over 100 years as a stopping post for traders as well as travelers passing through to other parts of our great state in search of their fortunes in oil and trade. Today, it is still a center of gathering for all locals and nomads alike who wishes for a cold beverage and a warm meal...

Lame Duck, before they started canning it, was a brewery only beer. The first time I went to the brewery and tried it, it was love at first sight. It left me heart broken though because I couldn't make it out to the brewery often enough! Then 11 Below expanded their production and that allowed them to begin to can Lame Duck! ...