Upon cracking open the can, I was pleasantly greeted with light floral and citrus notes, and the signature yeasty scent of most witbiers. Buffalo Bayou claims "real dudes drink pink" because spoiler alert, Summer's Wit is brewed with the dainty, rosy-toned hibiscus flower! The citrus aroma comes full circle with a...

The statement printed under the musket is believed by every true born Texan and will echo until the walls of the Alamo crumble to dust, “If you have to ask what 1836 stands for. Please put down this beer and leave our country.”...

My first visit to Whole Foods Market Brewing Company isn't one I will soon forget. I managed to squeeze everything I could out of my first Fathers Day as a dad! I went to work like normal so it wasn't like I had all day, then I talked my wife into going to Under the Radar with me then we ended the night at Whole Foods Market Brewing Company. My wife wasn't thrilled to squeeze in two breweries in about two hours, but its fathers day...

Mooring Line Amber pours with the slightest of haziness and a rich copper-brown color. There's a solid two-fingers of foamy head that sinks as quick as the Titanic, but it leaves a fine layer in its wake that rests at the top as you drink it. There wasn't much...

Southern Star Summer Saison takes sessionable to another level. It's starts incredibly clean and smooth, with very little to no hop undertones (a bonus if you're not a huge IPA fan such as myself), and finishes with a spicier twinge. Caramel attempts to peek through the flavor profile, but the wetter, fruity tastes have the biggest impact....

Craft beer fans rejoice! The industry has made big steps this week to be a little bit more transparent, thanks to the Brewers Association Independent Craft Seal. I’m sure we’ve all been there. You're strolling down the beer aisle at the grocery store wondering which craft beer to try next. You easily eliminate the latter half of the aisle stocked with Bud Light, Coors, and Lone Star, but still, so many options...

This week I'm a taking a closer look at B-52 Tart Frenchie Blackberry. Blackberry Frenchie pours a lovely plum color with minimal head. The lacing runs down the glass slowly in a classy way as you enjoy her. The nose is your first clue as to how well balanced this...

Currently, Circle Hook IPA can only be found in local vendors or specific pubs/bars in draft form. When we asked about releasing this beer as well as others we were given a simple answer of “When the people of Houston start to demand more, then that’s what our next canning will be, but until then...

Brash Abide has hints of roasted coffee, dark chocolate, and a well-balanced bitterness that presents surprisingly sweet. It greets your taste buds eloquently and deliciously, ending with ...

I was nervous as hell to try out another one of Copperheads concoctions since my last just didn’t sit right with me (*cough* Medusa *cough*). So on a suggestion, given by several of my fellow authors, I ventured once more down the aisles of HEB toward the Houston craft beer section and found a brew that would restore my confidence in their brewing company...

I've been jonesin' to get Lame Duck in cans and I am pretty sure I pestered the guys about it the last few times I have been out to the brewery. In fact, last time I went, they showed Chris and I the can design for Lame Duck and it is...