Kangaroo Killer Pale Ale by Copperhead Brewery is quickly becoming a go to brew! Tony and I were actually able to sit down with Seth the day before he released the beer and half way through the beer I got a call from my wife asking me to leave because my son ran out of formula at daycare. So I did what every dad in the world would do, I pretended like I couldn't hear her and hung up. You know I couldn't do that! I left and...

At the first sip, No Label Mango Milkshake takes me back to elementary school lunches, trading something from my lunchbox to a kid with gushers or a fruit roll up. When we were there, Nick had a glass of it before me. He looked at me with a huge grin and said, "taste this," as he leaned the glass towards me. "Straight fruit roll up AMIRIGHT!?...

I'm being petty af, and I know that. But it's because I love hip-hop, and I'm an artist that pays real close attention to how things are named, designed, etc. It just feels ill-advised to me, but one of Nick's friends said...

When I poured Goat Roper into that lovely Beer Chronicle pint glass, the light revealed why it's called a "brown porter." The brew was completely an opaque, brown color that looked more like squid ink when you took the light away. A comparison we can all understand:...

Weisstheimer was released this past May and its pun filled popularity has taken the “In the Loop” crowd by storm. I arrived early, and was the second or perhaps third patron who had made themselves comfortable at the bar; I took a quick breather to mentally prepare myself for what my wife would later tell me to be an unheard consumption rate of tacos and beer...

Ennie is yet another fine entry into Houston's haze race. I haven't had one that I didn't like, but a few have risen to the top, and this is one. Its pillowy and creamy, juicy and perfectly carbonated. Baa Baa may be one of the smaller breweries in the city, but...

The can design for Negura Bunget was actually done by the lead singer of the band, Gabriel "Negru" Mafa, who unfortunately passed away in March. It featured black and grey colors that depicts something I couldn't really make out. It reminded me of a forest shot from overhead....

The DL Double drinks much easier than its 8.2 ABV. The pour is a dark orange juice color with just the right amount of head. The nose on the beer radiates an intense tropical aroma. One sip, and it's easy to tell the flavor on the DL Double is well balanced from beginning to end. First, the seriously intense tropical hoppy flavor comes through...

As it goes down, there's a soft after taste of more Grapefruit, pineapple and tropical goodness followed by a long-lingering aftertaste. It's a dangerously smooth 8% though. There's a tiny alcohol note on the after taste as it warms up, but...

This brew is light bodied and has an immediate hoppy kick like any IPA but has a smooth grapefruit like finish. I highly recommend enjoying this beverage with your favorite fast food or salty snack. The balance between bitter sweet and your favorite greasy burger is...

Saint Arnold, in tradition with their epic ICON series, has released a brew that boasts a multitude of fruit notes, an impressive malt bill (a hefty list of malts and grains), and a hop they have never brewed with in their over 20 years of brewing history...

Now on to the important part of the review, how's it taste (Chappelle Show fans fill in the blanks)? Simply put, if you like beer and you like coffee, you're going to love Cortado. Brash is all local, and they use beans from...