Beer Reviews / 19.09.2017

RAAAAAAAANDY is GREEEEEEEEAT with 8 A's. Cue the DJ horn sound effect thingy. It's pineappply goodness from start to finish and it's a cool representation of East meets West IPA in a can. This guy knows what I'm talking about. This guy definitely...

Beer Reviews / 17.09.2017

No Label 1st Street Ale pours a beautiful straw blonde tone with sweet, grainy, cereal-like scents and a light enough body, you can easily throw back a full six pack before the first quarter of your favorite football game finishes. While I found the body to veer toward watery, the light hop bitterness...

Houston Beer News / 30.08.2017

While we are here to bring you our takes and thoughts on all the great Houston craft breweries and the beers they brew, we know that all of that is second fiddle to the health, safety, and well-being of all of you, whether you read our blog or not. Whether we are Houston natives or Houston transplants, we’re Houstonians all the same...