13 Dec Saint Arnold Driving Santa By Chris
Driving Santa
Saint Arnold Brewing Co.
Houston, TX (North of Downtown)
IPA/Christmas Ale
Packaging: DIY
The only comparison to Saint Arnold’s Driving Santa is to Saint Arnold’s Sailing Santa… duh!
Honestly, both Art Car IPA and Christmas Ale are better individually than they are combined. However, they’re good together; just not nearly as good as Sailing Santa, and that’s why I gave this Frankenstein beer a 3 star rating.
Driving Santa has a golden/bronze-ish color body with no head or lacing to speak of and a crisp/dry mouth feel.
I expected Driving Santa to be a hoppier Sailing Santa and sadly, it was not that simple. It was good, drinkable, and worth trying on your own!
The artwork on Driving Santa is (imaginarily) great! It showcases reindeer pulling an old, busted red Civic wrapped in graffiti and Christmas lights with Saint Arnold steering the car and probably wearing sunglasses and a classic Christmas paper background.
Driving Santa is good. I recommend you try to make your own concoction and give me the recipe! Have you tried to make your own Driving Santa or any other Frankenstein beers? Let us know below and help us get creative! If it’s good, we may just give you a shout out in the review. Beers to you, Houston.
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