
Saint Arnold El Dorado IPA by Tam



El Dorado IPA

Saint Arnold Brewing Co.

Houston (Lyons Ave)


ABV: 7.1%

IBUs: 48

Packaging: Draft, 12 oz bottles




The legend of El Dorado is a popular South American tale that has morphed and transformed from an ancient ritual in which an Andes Tribe Chieftain would cover himself in gold dust to a vast city of riches and unimaginable wealth. In both the 16th and 17th centuries, explorers believed that somewhere in the “New World” this city of gold truly existed. Their searches wasted countless lives, caused suicides, and even lead one man to be beheaded.

I am proud to say that today in our time that the search for the legendary city is over! El Dorado has been found, but instead of a city full of riches it is actually an elixir of golden craft bliss. Saint Arnold, in tradition with their epic ICON series, has released a brew that boasts a multitude of fruit notes, an impressive malt bill (a hefty list of malts and grains), and a hop they have never brewed with in their over 20 years of brewing history.

El Dorado pours a dark murky amber color with a thick amount of foam which will stay strong and present the entirety of the beer. The fruity aromas explode from the bottle and are emphasized when poured into a mug or your favorite pint glass (which you could purchase by messaging us on IG). As displayed on the ICON webpage of Saint Arnold, watermelon, citrus, pear, and stone fruits such as peach is evident in the taste. This ICON is an easy drinker and gives you a refreshing and crisp feeling as you greedily gulp this sucker down.




The label is like all the other signature ICON series with its early gothic catholic display of the Patron Saint of Beers, but of course with a green filter. What I have noticed is the more prominent a brewery or series of beer the less the brewery cares for the artistic labels that is attached to it. Personally, I applaud that way of thinking because I’m not purchasing art but high quality craft beer.

I as well as my fellow author Tony both found this brew to be “heavenly” and it is definitely worth its weight in gold (you can read about his review, HERE). So did this “Gilded” beverage get added to your craft beer treasure chest or was the hype not worth the months of anxious anticipation? Tell us what you think in the comments below, and as always “Beers to you, Houston!”

Tam Pham
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