
Saloon Door Pie in the Sky by Nick B



Pie in the Sky

Saloon Door Brewing

Webster, TX

Pecan Porter

ABV: 6.0%

IBUs: 20

Packaging: Draft



Have you ever gone to your local bar and asked to sample something? Of course you have! Now, have you ever had that sample and thought, “Holy smokes! That’s one of the best tasting beers I’ve ever had!”? Probably not, but I swear that happened to me with Saloon Door Brewing’s Pie in the Sky. I was so excited about it that I told the rest of the crew that I felt like I was indeed floating into the sky.

Pie in the Sky is draft only at this current time. I wish I was as creative as Chris and could think up a really cool label idea or something, but that has never been my forte at any point in my life.

Pie in the Sky poured thick and dark; thicker than a lot of the porters I’ve had over my time. The top of the glass was laced with off-white head. The nose on Pie in the Sky was full of sweet milk chocolate and roasted pecans. One of my favorite smells is when my wife roasts pecans in the oven and then covers them with baker’s chocolate; one of the best snacks in the world! Pie in the Sky is like taking that smell and concentrating it into a pint glass.

Pie in the Sky had a mouthfeel like a milkshake: rich, thick, chewy, viscous. The chocolate swirls all over your palate before the roasted pecan settles in and mellows it out. I was in love. It was my favorite dessert in a glass! The layering of the flavors is just like that of a candied pecan.

I am giving this beer 5 stars because of its flavor complexity, mouthfeel, and the fact that it is only 6% ABV!

This beer is amazing. It’s as simple as that. My wife and I are making a special stop out there on our way to Galveston to try out their other offerings, but I could literally drink this all day! Have you had this milkshake of a beer? Let us know in the comments below! Beers to you, Houston.

Nick B

Nick is originally from the Corpus Christi area, but found himself in Houston as of 4 years ago. You can spot him wearing a Hooks hat and drinking a glass of craft beer around the city. He typically prefers his beers to mirror his taste in music: complex, heavy, and dark.

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