23 Dec Sigma Nude Tayne
Sigma Nude Tayne
Sigma Brewing Company
EADO, Second Ward, Houston
ABV: 8.9%
IBUs: ?
Packaging: Draft, 4 pack 16 ounce cans, delivered by Hop Drop
Computer man voice: “Good morning, Paul. What will your first sequence of the day be?”
Paul Rudd: “Computer, load up Celery Man, please.”
If this sounds as weird to you as it did to me (and still does), you gotta look up the Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! skit that inspired this beer. Sigma Nude Tayne pays homage to a few seconds of a near 2 minute skit called Celery Man – talk about obscurity!
Craft beer’s full of this stuff, though, and that’s part of what makes it so fun. The randomness of the hyper-esoteric inside jokes have been the subject of more than one Google search by yours truly. I’m confident that I’m not the only one either. WTF is a Nude Tayne?
*Googles “Nude Tayne” in an Incognito browser window for fear of the results*
Most of the time, I’ll try and write a brief explanation of this sort of thing, but my words will never do it justice, so check it out for yourself, and then keep on reading about Sigma Nude Tayne below.
With the holidays upon us, it’s been tough to get out and about to all the beer events. Once the first cold snap hits, it marks beer season for every brewery in town, and if it weren’t for our friends at Hop Drop, we wouldn’t have any Sigma Nude Tayne to write about.
When the cans showed up on the front patio, they looked just like the graphic user interface (GUI) from the Nude Tayne skit. Bluish background with the old school computer windows housing the text and .GIFs of Paul Rudd. (Side note: Did you read that Gif or Jif? If it was Jif, GTFOH.)
But on to the beer! Sigma Nude Tayne poured the palest of opaque, yellow-orange, and I knew it was love at first site. The white head was airy and cloud like, and it crawled down the glass with legs reminiscent of Tayne’s.
The aroma of Sigma Nude Tayne was as wildly outrageous as the dancing characters in the skit. The moment I began pouring it, the citrus and stone fruit notes burst from the glass like a Josh Olalde spill shot. I was dancing with joy like Mozza-Rell and Oyster.
As I took my first sip, it dawned on me that Sigma is officially hitting their stride. They just celebrated their 2 year anniversary, and they’re making a pretty deep offering of solid beers. The smooth flavors of tangerine and stone fruit start the sip off while cantaloupe and mild, spicy, hop-bitterness finish the sip. The spicy note is likely from the Ella hops, while the fruitiness is from the Mosaic and 4d3d3d3.
No hop burn here, and the mouthfeel was spot on. Pillowy and soft like the head from the pour, this bad boy is a spot on example of the style.
It’s hard not to compare this to their most recent hazy DIPA Spirit Journey. It’s another example of Sigma taking a style that’s being accused of having only one-dimension, and shaking it up a little bit. The spicy hop bite on the finish is what makes both of these beers stand out. It’s different and welcomed.
Cans of Sigma Spirit Journey went on sale (yesterday) Saturday at the brewery, and if you’re worn out from all the shopping, the homies at Hop Drop got you covered for delivery. Use code “BEERCHRONICLE” for 10% off your beer delivery.
Sigma Nude Tayne
Overall, it’s my favorite beer from Sigma to date. Of the 300+ beer reviews on this site, a very small handful have 5 star ratings. They’ve come with a few hard hitters in their short history, but this one is special. Yet again, it’s proof that the hazy IPA style can be versatile, and Sigma has proven it two times in as many months. After all, not everybody can kick up the 4d3d3d3 like Sigma.
What about you? What’d you think of Sigma Nude Tayne? Let us know in the comments below or by rating it with a single click of the stars. Beers to you, Houston!
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