15 Feb Southern Star Spring Pils by Tam
Spring Pils
Southern Star
Conroe, TX
German Style Pilsner
ABV: 5.25%
IBUs: 30
Packaging: Draft, 12oz. Cans
Ah, love is in the air; hence the heart shaped pizza. Seeing how it is Valentines week (because a day just won’t do according to my wife) I thought I would knock two birds with one stone. So Happy Valentines (ugh) and let us continue to enjoy this delightful warm weather. Seeing how all things are pointing to another Texas Spring/Summer, I decided to delight in another warm weather craft concoction.
If you know a bit about your Houston Craft Brewery history, you’ll know that in the beginning there was two main distributors that ruled over the land. You had St. Arnold the “Father” of Houston Craft and Southern Star which was the cool Uncle that lived up north. Both came from humble beginnings of cramped buildings and tiny warehouses to large tap room floors and flourishing beer halls. I of course started my journey with Southern Star and it has always held a special place in my heart…and belly.
Southern Star’s goal with Spring Pils was to create a Texan rendition on a thirst quenching German style Pilsner. It was their seasonal response to the 9 to 10 months of heat that ranged from murky warm to skin baking demon fire that we all know too well living here in H-Town. They created it to be a relief from the sun and a relaxer during some of our favorite pastimes, be it a sports related event or an activity with friends or loved ones.
Spring Pils has a bright golden hue with mild head retention when poured. It’s light taste compliments the fruit tones that ever so delicately touch your tongue. As I mentioned before its purpose was to create a crisp refreshing taste to the drinker that would temporarily remedy themselves from the heat, and boy is that job well done; I particularly found myself enjoying this brew while grilling and catching up with a friend. It not only compliments food very well but the temperature too, and the best part is that this beverage will leave a lingering taste that calls for an encore brew.
*Photo courtesy of Southern Star
The can is baby blue with large bolded letters that allow the drinker to know that they were the “First to Can in Texas” which is true since their peer brewery, St. Arnold, was only producing bottles at the time. Its banner proudly proclaims the delicious Pilsner contents and has no other gimmicks or animations that would need to attract the drinker. Just the mere fact that it is a Southern Star concoction gives it validity in most Houston based craft drinkers eyes.
I enjoyed the brew thoroughly and have no reason to not share it with any up and coming craft aficionados or the saltiest craft veteran in the business. So, did Spring Pils have you in the post season beach bod mood or is it six more weeks of winter for this can? Let us know in the comments below and as always “Beers to you, Houston!”
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