
Spindletap Boomtown Blonde by Tam



Boomtown Blonde

Spindletap Brewery

Houston, TX

American Blonde Ale

ABV: 5.5%

IBUs: 20

Packaging: Draft, 12oz. Cans


*photo courtesy of Spindletap Brewery

Since my introduction into the craft community by Southern Star’s Bombshell Blonde I have been a huge advocate for Blonde brews. If it were a political party, then my ballot would be “True Blonde” in my attempts to make America great again; of course my wife would argue an “IPA” position but I want variety damn it! I advocate for Blonde’s at social events, family gatherings, and just about every outing that has a selection of tasty crafts on the menu. Blonde’s are a perfect opener for non-craft drinkers, a gateway beer, that will not scare away your Miller Light or Natty Ice regulars back into their safe space corners.

*I must place a disclaimer and say that because Blonde’s are so high on my list they have an advantage over most beverages, so my taste factor will always be at least a 2.5 star rating.

My first love, as mentioned earlier, was the heavenly angel known as Bombshell Blonde. So of course I took advantage of settling next to Spindletap’s simple and mellow concoction that paid tribute to this delicious style of beer “Boomtown Blonde.” This brew was perfect for my current weekend plans, for at that very moment I was in a fierce battle of Cornhole and smoking pork belly on my charcoal grill. Boomtown Blonde, when poured, produces a fountain of golden liquid that settled with a medium dose of head. The crisp light and refreshing taste proved perfect while soaking in some Texas sun. Perhaps it was the euphoria of the moment and a couple of “Aces” (2 bags) on the board but I couldn’t help but truly enjoy the malt and hints of sweetness that settled on my tongue. It is a simple no frills beer that is perfect for those previous mentioned social gatherings or a lazy day grilling on the patio.




The name itself has always been a clever and respected Spindletap tradition, in which their canned beers give some form of recognition to the industry and workers that made Texas what it is and continues to make it the best damn country…uh I mean state ever. (I do that a lot, my apologies…no not really, ha!) In this case, it recognizes the slang term for towns that sprung up in the greater Houston area after a large oil vein was found. That same oil discovery helped prosper and fuel our young country and created the diverse Texan traditions we all enjoy.

I always seem to get a little sentimental when it comes to brews that have “Easter Egg” style information within their beer labels. I just can’t help to think what we are doing in Houston within this community is not only strengthening the bond we have on this city but bonds within our community. So as usual, this brew as well as many delicious beverages on this site has seats at my table and spaces in my cooler. Was this an “Ace” on your board or did it turn into a “Dirty Bag”? Beers to you, Houston!

Tam Pham
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