
SpindleTap Derrickman Dubbel by Tony



Derrickman Dubbel

SpindleTap Brewery

Houston, TX (if in Houston, identify neighborhood or area in parenthesis, Aldine, EADO, Heights, etc.)


ABV: 10%

IBUs: 20

Packaging: Draft (at SpindleTap Brewery), 22oz. Bombers



Chris scored these for us at their 1 year anniversary party, right before we met with them to write the brewery guide. (Check it out here – we’re told it’s a good read.) While we were there for that write up, we learned that we – Beer Chronicle – own 5% of all of the Derrickman Dubbel that was bottled – quite an honor. Also, it’s now down to 4%, but I saved the bottle!

Derrickman Dubbel was my first beer of 2017, and I’m posting it this morning to cover for Chris. See, we have an agreement between one another that we’ll post one review to the site per week according to our own self-imposed, weekly deadline. If we miss our deadline, we owe each of the guys 2 beers. While I’m happy to let them buy me a few beers for the sake of accountability, I don’t want to miss out on sharing Houston craft beer with y’all, so I just bust something out of my journal to fill in for the guys, but I digress.

Derrickman Dubbel has the flavor notes you’d expect – plus a bit extra. It starts off sweet and fruity and ends malty with more fruity, Belgian flavors, and that’s all accompanied by subtle notes of raisins and cherries on the finish. Delicious.

We always aim to compare to something macro or well-known in an attempt to offer craft options to those that drink big beer, but it’s often difficult impossible with beer like this.

When it comes to Belgian beers, I either love them or I don’t. The flavors are just too complex to leave room for a gray area. This Derrickman Dubbel is good, and it’s even more special knowing that as I’m drinking it it’s gone.

Derrickman Dubbel pours a rich, dark, reddish-brown that’s clear with no head or lace. The mouthfeel and body are both medium, perfectly on-style, and along those lines, the finish is nice and dry.

I’ve had a pint or two of just about everything these guys have brewed to date, and for the most part I’ve really enjoyed every bit of it. That begins to set really big expectations (like I mentioned about Brash’s recent collab with TRVE), but they were definitely met with Derrickman Dubbel.


The artwork for Derrickman Dubbel is ornate yet minimal. The 22oz bomber label sports a navy blue background with mustard yellow type. The logo plays center-stage for the design, and is surrounded by ornate swirly decorative lines on top and bottom – think something from some fancy woodwork or an old Western saloon. Beneath that is the name and info also in yellow, and in the background there’s a black derrick that almost gets lost in the navy blue.

The reason we write about the artwork and tap handles whenever the info is available is to help folks find the beer on a shelf. Well, you won’t find Derrickman Dubbel on any shelves because the bombers are gone, and if I remember correctly, you can only get it on draft at the brewery. So go and visit these guys, and tell them we sent you.

Derrickman Dubbel was a good beer, and I rated it accordingly. What’d you think – Derrickman Dubbel leave you gushing or naah? Let us know in the comments below. Beers to you, Houston.

Anthony Gorrity

Anthony's a Houston native, a Creative Strategist at, an adjunct instructor of Visual Communication at Lone Star College, and a UH Coog that loves good beer almost as much as he does his city. Anthony lives to help others and that's found a home helping some of the coolest breweries on earth with creative and marketing projects that can be seen on our Portfolio page. Fueled by hoppy lagers, sessionable IPAs, and gangster rap, he's ticked his way through H-Town, rocking the most unusual Nikes he can find. When he's not writing for us, he's with his family or very patiently rooting for the Rockets.

  • Ken Thomas
    Posted at 17:47h, 16 May

    This sounds good. Where can I find it?

  • Beer Chronicle Team
    Posted at 18:17h, 23 May

    Hey Ken, this was a special release. Brewery only, and it’s gone! How bad do you want a bottle of it? They might have something stashed away, and if we asked, they might give it to us. Lemme know.

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