
Spindletap Honey Hole by Hannah



Spindletap Honey Hole

Spindletap Brewery


ESB (Extra Special Bitter)

ABV: 7%

IBUs: 20

Packaging: Draft, 6 pack 12 ounce cans, Growler



I’d normally like to wine and dine you, the fine reader, with a quirky introduction somehow relating to the beer before really diving into my deepest opinions on it, BUT NOT THIS TIME.

Spindletap Honey Hole is quite literally liquid gold for my pie hole.

If for some wacky reason you’ve yet to try the nectar of the Spindletap Gods, I’ll let this one slide, but you really need to get on it, stat. Honey Hole may be the finest of Spindletap’s offerings. No, Houston Haze fanatics, I will not retract that statement (but I’ll admit the Haze has me hooked too).

While I honestly enjoy Spindletap’s Honey Hole, I must admit this review has a not-so-secret agenda. As of midnight on July 13, Spindletap Brewery was crowned Beer Chronicle’s 2016-2017 Most Valuable Brewery (MVB) People’s Champ! A well-deserved round of applause and cheers to y’all, Spindletap! For those of you who feel your favorite brewery was robbed -insert eye roll to the Brash supporters- remember this vote was the “People’s Choice”…soooo you kind of only have your fellow craft beer fans to blame.

Any who, back to business. Honey Hole pours a medium golden orange, almost rust-like color, with very little head that doesn’t linger, although it seemed to “buzz” with the effervescence of carbonation for quite a few sips. It’s aromas include bready malt, sweet honey, and a slight dryness you’d expect from a wine or cider.

At first I was worried Honey Hole would be thick and viscous like it’s namesake, honey, and too bitter for my liking. However, the light to medium mouthfeel makes it very smooth and easily drinkable, and with only 20 IBUs, bitterness was not an issue.

The delicious fermented nectar starts with a yeasty, sweet taste and finishes slightly bitter and dry, but gives a very “wet” feel throughout. You do not get punched in the face with acidity, so there is no discernible lingering harshness.


According to Wikipedia (if it’s credible enough for my undergraduate thesis, it’ll work here too), honey hole is “slang for a location that yields a valued commodity or resource”. I highly recommend you seek out your local honey hole, AKA any of the bars or grocery stores that carry Spindletap Honey Hole, and consume as much of this delicious resource as possible. You’ll know you’ve struck gold when you’ve found the bright orange and golden yellow, honeycomb-patterned cans.

In summation, Spindletap Honey Hole is the bees knees. When I purchased a single 12 ounce can at D&Q Beer Station for the sole purpose of this review, I wholeheartedly didn’t expect to return the next day for two six packs, but hey, no shame in my game. What did you think? Does Spindletap’s Honey Hole have you bee-witched or is it not worth all the buzz?  Beers to you, Houston. 🍻

  • William C.
    Posted at 15:15h, 17 July

    An extremely palatable brew during the wretchedly hot days of summer in Houston.

  • Hannah
    Posted at 15:43h, 17 July

    Amen! But I can see Honey Hole being a go-to for the humid summer days and cooler “Fall” days, if we can even claim Fall exists in Houston.

  • Kyle J.
    Posted at 04:37h, 19 September

    A cold beer is heaven, I like the Old Rasputin. Love a dark stout. On the other end Hamm’s Special Light is the worst.

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