Beer Reviews / 17.07.2017

IP8 poured a clear golden color, right on for a double IPA. There was 2 fingers of white fluffy head that melted down into a thin layer as I cooked my carne de pastor, and each sip left more and more creamy lace down the glass. It was more like a...

Beer Reviews / 14.06.2017

Weisstheimer was released this past May and its pun filled popularity has taken the “In the Loop” crowd by storm. I arrived early, and was the second or perhaps third patron who had made themselves comfortable at the bar; I took a quick breather to mentally prepare myself for what my wife would later tell me to be an unheard consumption rate of tacos and beer...

Beer Reviews, Houston Beer News / 16.01.2017

The post that almost never happened: After a few weeks of gathering beer from all over town, and one long ass drive to Galveston Island, we did it. We had them all. We met up with a few other friends for a potluck meal just before Thanksgiving, and the Top 5 Best IPAs in Houston was born. None of us are official BJCP judges or cicerones (yet), as you may have read elsewhere on the site, but here's our take as consumers - just regular dudes that...

Beer Reviews / 17.11.2016

8th Wonder Brewery did the city justice with Hopston. It's a TX IPA that's light on the tongue, but not light on flavor. I really dig 8th Wonder for their creativity - not only in the beers themselves, but in their names and artwork. Hopston's no different. Hopston is bit stronger in flavor than other IPAs I've had, but it's...