Beer Reviews / 04.11.2017

Baa Baa Brewhouse Double Play has a pleasant citrus flavor at the beginning and finishes with a very slight mosaic flavor at the end.  The mouthfeel is soft and creamy, while the body is  creamy and smooth.  The astringency is very low and hardly noticeable. The drinkabilty is super easy from beginning to end....

Beer Reviews / 01.11.2016

Baa Baa Brewhouse is quickly becoming a force in the local beer scene. They have a solid line up, and I think this Father Goose IPA is the headliner! No disrespect to the other beers they brew - they're legit, Father Goose is just that much better to me. Man, hold up, this might just be Beer Chronicle history in the making! I don't think I've ever...