Beer Reviews, Houston Beer News / 04.12.2017

The irony here is that last year we had to work pretty hard to gather all the IPAs, and do it quickly all while being mindful of the bottled/canned dates. This time, we didn't have to worry about freshness nearly as much, but we managed to wrangle all the stouts together much quicker. We met up at Drink of Ages and had Jon partake in the...

Beer Reviews / 06.10.2017

Last weekend was ridiculously full of beer events and releases.  It was a particularly good weekend for juice heads.  Spindletap, Sigma, Baa Baa, and Copperhead all released hazy IPAs. Copperhead Citraaddicted more than held it's own with Operation Juice Drop, 4xDDH Medina Sod, and Houston Haze.  My recommendation is pretty simple, if you like hazy IPA's it's a great time to be in Houston.  Drink them all!  ...

Beer Reviews / 01.10.2017

Copperhead Athena has scents of yeast, fruit, and very mild alcohol. Similarly in taste, she is malt forward, with almost no detectible hop bitterness, featuring a lightly sweet, yeasty flavor. My favorite feature of Athena, you may ask? Her absolutely impeccable...

Beer Reviews / 22.06.2017

I was nervous as hell to try out another one of Copperheads concoctions since my last just didn’t sit right with me (*cough* Medusa *cough*). So on a suggestion, given by several of my fellow authors, I ventured once more down the aisles of HEB toward the Houston craft beer section and found a brew that would restore my confidence in their brewing company...

Beer Reviews / 20.06.2017

Kangaroo Killer Pale Ale by Copperhead Brewery is quickly becoming a go to brew! Tony and I were actually able to sit down with Seth the day before he released the beer and half way through the beer I got a call from my wife asking me to leave because my son ran out of formula at daycare. So I did what every dad in the world would do, I pretended like I couldn't hear her and hung up. You know I couldn't do that! I left and...