B52 Pocket Tots Strawberry Milkshake
These tots definitely don't taste like 8%. B52 Pocket Tots Strawberry Milkshake starts off smooth and silky from the milk sugar, and finishes with...
These tots definitely don't taste like 8%. B52 Pocket Tots Strawberry Milkshake starts off smooth and silky from the milk sugar, and finishes with...
From the first scene, the can of B52 Looking Good Barry cracked open and filled my house with the same pineapply, tropical notes that...
Brighter Days pours that beautiful golden hazy yellow color that all hazers are crave. The pour alone lets you know it's a damn good beer. The head sits at the perfect level to add aroma and flavor, and the lacing runs smoothly down the glass as you enjoy each sip....
Spindletap Juiceston pours an orange hazy color with a good amount of head that is typical of Double IPA's. The lacing is there but minimal. The aroma is killer on this one people. You get a tropical aroma that is heavenly. I definitely pick up some guava on the nose as well as citrus flavors....
IP8 poured a clear golden color, right on for a double IPA. There was 2 fingers of white fluffy head that melted down into a thin layer as I cooked my carne de pastor, and each sip left more and more creamy lace down the glass. It was more like a...
Feeding Frenzy falls into my dangerously good category of beers. The 8% abv is so well hidden it's scary. One sip and those juicy characteristics come right up on the tongue. The Amarillo, Citra and...
The DL Double drinks much easier than its 8.2 ABV. The pour is a dark orange juice color with just the right amount of head. The nose on the beer radiates an intense tropical aroma. One sip, and it's easy to tell the flavor on the DL Double is well balanced from beginning to end. First, the seriously intense tropical hoppy flavor comes through...
As it goes down, there's a soft after taste of more Grapefruit, pineapple and tropical goodness followed by a long-lingering aftertaste. It's a dangerously smooth 8% though. There's a tiny alcohol note on the after taste as it warms up, but...
More Cowbell pours golden orange and leaves a fine white foam that will sustain itself through the duration of the brew; which if you enjoyed it like I did then it won’t last long. The aroma that it gives off is floral notes with hints of caramel, but the taste is sweet with just the right kick of...
8th Wonder Brewery did the city justice with Hopston. It's a TX IPA that's light on the tongue, but not light on flavor. I really dig 8th Wonder for their creativity - not only in the beers themselves, but in their names and artwork. Hopston's no different. Hopston is bit stronger in flavor than other IPAs I've had, but it's...
Catalyst Imperial IPA AKA Double IPA is a hopped up with 8 different hop varieties and Texas sized flavor! Texas Beer Refinery has a solid line up with...