Beer Reviews / 01.10.2017

Copperhead Athena has scents of yeast, fruit, and very mild alcohol. Similarly in taste, she is malt forward, with almost no detectible hop bitterness, featuring a lightly sweet, yeasty flavor. My favorite feature of Athena, you may ask? Her absolutely impeccable...

Beer Reviews / 18.07.2017

Texas Razzle Snake was the most surprising beer I had at BAKFISH Brewing. I had no idea what it was, never heard it mentioned before that day, I took a sip and said man, what is this beer?! BAKFISH Brewing was the first brewery in Pearland and they're doing some great things down on the southside of town. Often, people judge a brewery based on 1 beer and that's crazy! Do yourself a favor and go check out what they have going on, you wont regret it! ...