Beer Reviews / 10.12.2017

Ho! Ho! Hold up! Saint Arnold Cut with Bread Pudding pours a beautiful dark copper, amber color with a medium, off-white head. It smells sweet, malty, and heavily spiced with holiday favorites like nutmeg, cinnamon and ginger. The taste mimics yet improves upon the aroma in that you get more vanilla, toasted malt, and graham cracker. The spices leave a slight bitterness on the finish, and the mild alcohol...

Beer Reviews / 04.11.2017

Baa Baa Brewhouse Double Play has a pleasant citrus flavor at the beginning and finishes with a very slight mosaic flavor at the end.  The mouthfeel is soft and creamy, while the body is  creamy and smooth.  The astringency is very low and hardly noticeable. The drinkabilty is super easy from beginning to end....

Beer Reviews / 07.10.2017

The label art is not for the faint of heart.  Death is standing on coffins that are draining blood.  The devil and possibly some tortured souls are watching from the woods.  A blue eyed wolf is taking off with a severed hand in his mouth like it's a bone.  A headstone with a bleeding gory crucified zombie like Jesus is marked the word vivisect on the bottom and inri at the top.  Vivisect means to dissect a body while it is still alive....

Beer Reviews / 24.09.2017

Nature of Ego & Self boasts a very sessionable, easily drinkable style. Scents of roasted nuts, dried dark fruits, and lightly browned sugar continually graces the palette. Sweetness overwhelms with flavors of caramel, toffee, and toasted malt. However, dried dates give a moderate balance that ends on...

Beer Reviews / 19.09.2017

RAAAAAAAANDY is GREEEEEEEEAT with 8 A's. Cue the DJ horn sound effect thingy. It's pineappply goodness from start to finish and it's a cool representation of East meets West IPA in a can. This guy knows what I'm talking about. This guy definitely...